How To Remove Public Arrest Records From The Internet

February 26, 2019

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There are thousands of arrests made each and every day throughout the United States. But what happens when you get arrested? Where does that information go and who is able to see it?ย 

The internet is home to millions of cyber threats, that is why it is so important to know what precautions you can take after unfortunately getting arrested.

There are various ways you can go about removing your public arrest records from the internet in 2019. If you cannot afford to hire an attorney you can learn the best ways of contacting specific webmasters in order to have your content removed. In some states, it is even illegal to upload criminal records.

Over 90% of adults who Google themselves claim the results are not that great. Online reputation management is here to fix that and it starts with EraseMugshots.

Importance of Clearing Public Arrest Records From Google

It is necessary to keep in mind that when it comes to Google you must remember that they do not own any of the websites. Google does not pick and choose what websites appear in what order. Positioning on Google is done through a complex algorithm so essentially any website owner who knows the algorithm can rank undesirable results on the first page.

There are both up and downsides to working on the internet. One of the biggest advantages is that you are in control of most of the online information about yourself.

This means you have the ability to publish a photo or blog articles on the internet and potentially have that content rank on the first several pages. When working to remove public arrest records online the more positive information you are able to publish the better. This helps to flood out any undesired results.

Having your name issued in a criminal case may be a difficult and harmful time in anyone’s life. Most individuals nowadays are at a loss of what to do next when they come across negative search results.

If you have recently obtained an arrest or criminal charges do not worry, you have options. Complete the form below to remove undesired results on Google, Bing, and Yahoo today. All solutions are 100% guaranteed.

There is no notable disadvantage to removing your mug shot and public arrest records on the internet. Unless you would like to see your mug shot image later on in life.

For that reason, print a copy, frame it, and work on removing your information. You never know when you will be looking for a new job, a new house or apartment.

Main Focus When Removing Public Information

After you have located a website that is negatively impacting your online reputation there are various routes you can take.

The easiest being that you can contact the website owner and request removal. If your charges were dropped, dismissed, or expunged there is an 80% chance they will comply with your request.

If you were found guilty but the incident happened a long time ago you also have an increased chance of winning a removal.

When it comes to a definite answer, unfortunately, we can’t provide you with such information. It is ultimately up to the owner of the website to edit or remove your public arrest records on their website. After all public arrest records are public information.

In order to give yourself a better chance, try using analytic tools like Google Analytics or SEMRush to determine if that website receives any traffic to that specific post.

If they do not, export the report and sent it to them. If an article is not performing that is one more trick you could explore to prove to them nobody is reading this article and all it is doing is cause misfortunate in your life.

In the following section, we will discuss staggering statistics on the impacts public arrest records could do to oneโ€™s reputation.

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Statistics on Harmful Search Results

If there is one thing you can trust it is search patterns, the telltale sign of how consumers research and shop online. Check out these shocking search results statistics for 2019:

91% of online adults use search engines to find information on the web.

When users search on Google they are looking for a quick and easy answer. Users will not search through all the pages Google offers simply because they assume that whatever is ranking on the first page must be the best results? Not always and this is particularly true after being arrested. If an individual has little to no online presence it is more than likely that their public arrest records will rank highly on both the SERPs and Image tabs. ย 

65% of people see online search as the most trusted source of information about people and companies. (Forbes)

In 2019, consumers are beginning to trust an online review just as favorably of a personal recommendation from a family member or close friend. Although this differs when removing public arrest records you can apply the same concept that online users are quick to judge after saying something (positive or negative) on the first page of Google.

Nearly 50% of US adults who Google themselves say the results arenโ€™t positive.

When you Google yourself what do you see? You probably see your Facebook, maybe your Twitter, and a bunch of background reporting agencies. These websites may look innocent however they house your personal information, phone numbers, and police records for anyone to view.

93% of searchers never go past the first page

This may be the most important statistic there is to date. As previously stated, when people search on Google they do not want to spend extra time checking each additional tab. You must remove all negative content from the first page of Google.

This starts with learning how to remove public arrest records on the internet. Hire a team with a proven success record of getting the job done right the first time.

How To Remove Public Arrest Records From The Internet
How To Remove Public Arrest Records From The Internet

Related Questions | How To Remove Public Arrest Records From The Internet

How long does it typically take?

If the website approves your removal request the content should disappear from Google search within about 2-3 days depending on how busy Googleโ€™s content support team is.

Will they re-post the internet, and how to track it yourself.

There is no way to tell. In the past, we noticed certain websites such as mugshot publication sites that would charge a fee for removal only to repost the content a year or two later asking for more money. Here at EraseMugshots, we guarantee each removal solution for life. Meaning if your mug shot and public arrest records were to ever be reposted there is never any additional charges to you, the client.

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We offer a total mugshot removal solution to remove your mugshot and arrest details from the internet once and for all.