Are Mugshots Ever Deleted from the Internet?

Are mugshots ever deleted from the web? Even if you were never charged for a crime, your mugshot could still be found online. Here’s everything you need to know about finding and removing your mugshot from the Internet. 

Whether you’re applying for a job, looking for an apartment, or simply keeping track of your online reputation, chances are you have looked up your own name in a search engine. It may have shocked you to see personal information pop up in the results — especially images like mugshots. These photographs, taken when someone is being booked in police custody, don’t signify whether someone was actually guilty of a crime. In fact, you may have had your photograph taken in police custody and never even been charged! Nevertheless, it can be damaging to your reputation to have arrest records or a mugshot image circulating so easily accessible.

If you’re facing such a case and looking to get your mugshot removed from the Internet, there are solutions. Keep reading to learn of the different paths forward, including professional services that can help.

The History of Mugshots

The modern-day notion of mugshots began in the mid-1800s in Europe, and gained notoriety in the United States when the Pinkerton National Detective Agency began using mugshots on wanted posters for fugitives. They continued to grow in popularity as a way of keeping track of convicted prisoners and receiving the public’s help in identifying criminals.

Nowadays, an arrested person is usually made to hold a sign that indicates sensitive personal information like name, date of birth, and weight while being photographed, and the mug shot is then uploaded to a digital registry. Mugshots are often pulled up when people are applying to jobs, apartments, or — in today’s digital age — even going on a first date. Much has been written about the many discriminatory ways mugshots are referenced in everything from employment to housing and have even been criticized as having a negative effect on juries.

Mugshots & the Public Record

One of the first questions many people ask is, “How did my mugshot get released in the first place?” Unfortunately, mugshots are a matter of public record, as a result of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), which, starting in 1967, made everything from marriage certificates to death certificates part of the public domain. In 1996, an amendment to the Act made it even easier to access this type of information electronically.

Juvenile records are usually withheld from the public, but in some rare cases, juvenile mugshots are uploaded if they commit a crime that causes them to be charged as adults. There are also severe laws regarding the publication of information related to sex offenders — depending on the crime, it may actually be required for a mugshot to be stored in an online database, for the public view.

Certain states also have specific laws that prohibit public access to mugshots, depending on the crime committed, but in many cases, local or federal government databases freely upload mugshots on a daily basis. You can check the inmate search tool on your state’s department of corrections website, for instance, or Google the websites of your local police departments and sheriff’s office. From these databases, humans or even bots can pull mugshot images and post them anywhere else, and they often begin to spread like wildfire across mugshot-based websites.

The Danger of Mugshot Websites

There are dozens of websites that claim to operate as “news” outlets in order to avoid legal scrutiny and gain a more prominent position in search engine results. In the 21st century, mugshots have become big business. Even actual newspapers and celebrity tabloids will publish mugshots to generate better sales. While these outlets state that they’re providing an important public service, or even aiding in apprehending criminals, they’re actually damaging reputations without repercussions.

Beyond just mugshots, these sites often also post information like criminal records, social media handles, and even addresses often pulled from police reports. Beyond making difficulties with a potential employer or romantic interest, this type of information opens the door to identity theft. So how can the average person begin the mugshot removal process when it seems so daunting?

Beginning the Mugshot Removal Process

There are a number of steps you can take to get your mugshot removed from the Internet — but these have different levels of difficulty depending on your own personal circumstances. You can begin by attempting to figure out how many sites have published your arrest record and mug shots. Just do a Google search of your name and check the “images” section for your mug shot. You can also scour sites like and, or check the app JailBase and search for your arrest records.

Once you’ve compiled a list of the sites that have your pictures and arrest records, you can attempt to reach out to them individually. It’s important to note that in many states, it is illegal for a website to make you pay for the removal of mugshots. However, this doesn’t stop a lot of websites from trying to do so. And unfortunately, getting the mugshot removed from these sites does not ensure it will be erased from the Internet permanently.

Expunging Your Criminal Records

Another legal route for mugshot removal you can take is to get your record expunged or sealed. Most people don’t have the time or resources to take this step, but if you did commit a crime that fits within expungement law, you can file expungement paperwork, get it approved by a court, and send the paperwork to the mugshot site as proof. If the site still refuses to take down your mug shot, you may need to get a court order that commands the site to remove the mugshot. Work with an attorney to see if expungement is a proper route for your case, as sealed or expunged records can be beneficial in stopping future mugshot images from circulating online.

Will Google Remove Mugshots?

Knowing that the individual sites may not ensure your mugshots are permanently deleted, some hope that Google can delete the images. Mugshot removal on Google can be a challenge. Unfortunately, Google will only do so if there are legal reasons that back up your request. This will require you to prove that the images are damaging you from a legal standpoint, which can be difficult to achieve since the mugshots are likely in the public record.

Having your record expunged or having a statement from a criminal defense attorney that charges were dropped or dismissed can serve as legal reasons for mugshot removal on Google. Check with the company’s content removal policy for details.

Burying the Information in Search Engine Results

Another tactic one can take is to try and bury the damaging information rather than delete it. In most cases, a potential employer wouldn’t look beyond the first page of results when Googling your name — so you can hypothetically publish enough new information about yourself to push your criminal record to the second page. Obviously, this takes a fair amount of time and energy, as you’ll need to post a lot of information to populate the search engine results; blog posts, social media accounts, news articles, and more will be needed to fill up the results page. And of course, this wouldn’t mean your mugshot is removed from the internet, only pushed farther down online.

Working with Professionals

If all of the above steps still sound extremely overwhelming, you can turn to the professionals and hire a content removal specialist. A third-party company such as an online reputational management (ORM) firm can erase mugshots for you, and even tackle other records that may be on the Internet damaging your reputation. For a fee, an ORM can identify and permanently delete — not just bury — mug shots and other public records. Whereas an average sleuth may spend hours combing through databases and mugshot sites, an ORM has access to services and technology that allows them to find mugshots and public records much faster.

Generally, they only charge clients once content is completely removed, and promise that, once removed, any damaging online content is gone for life. This ensures that your criminal record information doesn’t affect any future employment opportunities or other personal endeavors.

How Else Can an ORM Help Me?

ORMs can also assist in reputation management, something that’s become increasingly popular in recent years. You may want to create a more positive online presence so that you or your business is always at the top of the search results in the best way. For instance, they can write articles in your area of expertise to establish you and your firm as a thought leader in your niche market. An ORM can also optimize your website, including the About Us and bio section, for search and page ranking. New and relevant content keeps you at the top of every Google search and puts the Internet on your side.

These specialists do more than just blog on your behalf — they use advanced strategies to tackle the Google algorithm and rank your business higher up in the various search engines. Working with an ORM can give your company a leg up against the competition when it comes to online traffic.

Can My Mugshots Ever be Deleted?

Ultimately, every individual should pursue a course of action that’s best for them, whether it’s getting their criminal records sealed or expunged, attempting the mugshot removal process on their own, or working with a reputation management company to handle the job. The unfortunate truth is that most mugshots may never get fully deleted unless you work with a professional, as it’s not against the law to post them. Until widespread laws are instituted on how we treated those who are arrested and how their public records are disseminated, average citizens will continue to remain under threat from the mug shot publishing industry.

Need help with getting your personal info off the web? Contact us now! Learn more about mugshot removal and negative content suppression by calling 866-601-6803 .

Can Google Remove Mugshots for Me?

Can Google remove mugshots for me from online searches? Will the company remove your mugshot if you request it? Learn everything you need to know about Google mugshot removal with our guide.

It’s all about getting the right shot when it comes to social media. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat are filled with photos and videos — content-worthy material according to the person posting and his or her audience. It may take several tries getting the right pose and image to post….along with a bit of help from filters and Photoshop! People love posting pics — that is, photos that show you in the best light.

What people never want to see is their mugshot online. The last thing you want if you’re a CEO, entrepreneur, business owner, executive, manager, professional (lawyer, doctor, accountant, consultant), employee, politician, celebrity, athlete, influencer, etc. is for your search results to display a mugshot due to an arrest record that may or may not be easily explained. As we well know, not all arrests lead to charges or a conviction. And not every picture tells the complete story!

While a mugshot was taken for an arrest record and identification purposes, it doesn’t by any means imply guilt. Unfortunately, most people jump to conclusions once they see a mugshot online.

If you’ve ever asked, “can Google remove mugshots for me?” this is the guide you need to begin restoring your online reputation. Let’s get started.

How Do Mugshots Get Online?

Arrest records, including one’s mugshot, are considered public records and are available to post and copy. While each state and jurisdiction varies regarding access to mugshots, these photos still end up online. Moreover, mugshots can, unfortunately, stay online indefinitely if something is not done to address them.

Even worse, booking photos obtained from law enforcement databases appear on commercial mugshot aggregation sites. In fact, mugshot publishing is considered a niche market of tabloid journalism.

Mugshot Websites

There are dozens of mugshot websites out there. Several mugshot sites include,,, and Busted Newspaper, just to name a few. Screen-scraping programs enable mugshot companies to collect new and old mugshots from law enforcement agencies and post them on their own websites. Furthermore, search engine optimization (SEO) techniques allow the sites to tag photos so that they appear at the top of the results when someone enters a name into Google or other search engines like Bing or Yahoo.

Many mugshot sites will not remove the photos even if criminal charges have been dismissed, dropped, or downgraded, or if charges haven’t been filed. Moreover, many sites will not remove the mugshot if the person is acquitted or the conviction is expunged or sealed or the criminal record is removed. Some of these websites’ owners will charge for the mugshot removal even though in many jurisdictions this is an illegal practice.

The Damage of Mugshots Online to One’s Reputation

When mugshots appear in search results, a person’s credibility and online reputation are directly impacted, regardless of actual guilt. Background checks are performed on job applicants/candidates. If a mugshot comes up, it’s highly unlikely that the prospective employer will ask for details to learn the reason behind the shot or arrest record. The employer will just pass without saying a word.

Current employees may lose their jobs if a mugshot comes up in search engines (as long as employment practices are adhered to). At the very least, it’s embarrassing and awkward to have to explain an incident, which may have been dismissed but continues to show up. The mugshot is online for all to see with a simple Google search.

Lost Customers, Business Opportunities

Customers and potential business partners who use search engines to get background information about a person and the company will decide against making any purchases or deals if an arrest photo appears in the search results. Often there won’t be an opportunity for the individual in the mugshot to explain his or her arrest record and the details surrounding it.

Renting a Home Becomes Problematic with an Online Mugshot

Applicants looking to rent a house or an apartment will also be subjected to a background check. If a mugshot appears in the search engines, the opportunity to rent that great place will be lost. Property owners will automatically assume there is a criminal record and won’t want to rent to an individual with some sort of offense.

Even dating can end up being problematic. You go on an online dating site, and read all these great things about a person. Then you decide to do a Google search to get some additional information and a mugshot comes up in search. You pass on the date.

Personal Details Are Also Revealed Along with Mugshot

Included with the mugshot in the arrest record are also personal details such as the suspect’s full name, date of birth, sex, physical characteristics, time of arrest, charges, etc., which can then be shared online and used for nefarious purposes like identity theft, blackmail, or extortion.

In addition, once booking photos are on the web, the photos can be copied and redistributed by other sites. Individuals who had charges dropped or were found not guilty can find it difficult to repair their online reputation without taking the appropriate actions to remove mugshots and arrest records.

Can You Remove Your Mugshot from Google Search?

Contact Google

Can Google remove mugshots and other embarrassing personal information from the web? The answer is yes, but with some qualifications:

Google will suppress mugshot search results for legal reasons. The company may also remove personal information upon request if it poses a specific harm or risk to an individual. Note, however, that Google does not typically remove publicly available information.

We mention Google specifically, as it is the most popular search engine, with 90% of the global search engine market share. Just to give you an idea of how critical search engine results are in one’s decision-making, there are more than 70,000 Google searches each second. This translates to nearly 227 million an hour and about 5.4 billion Google searches per day!

Whether Google can remove mugshots is entirely subjective with the above qualifications in mind. Even if the company is unlikely to honor your request, this should be your first step toward clearing your online reputation.

Contact the Webmaster of the Mugshot Site

Send a written request to the webmaster of the mugshot website to remove the photo, but many of these sites are designed to get money from you and will more than likely ask for payment (depending on state law). Even if they don’t charge to remove the mugshots, mugshot websites make money off of advertisers so they have a strong incentive to keep their sites operational and continue to wreak havoc on an individual’s reputation.

If the webmaster does agree to remove the mugshot, it will be removed from the page rather than being suppressed by one search engine or manipulating search engine results.

Contact a Mugshot Removal Company

Reputable, reliable mugshot removal services are available to help individuals. These companies employ sophisticated techniques designed to impact search engine results so that a mugshot does not appear among the top searches. The mugshot removal websites are typically among the services an online reputational management (ORM) company offers. ORMs are experienced in removing negative information from the internet. They will remove mugshots from Google and other damaging information and restore your reputation. A professional mugshot removal service will get rid of jail mugshots, arrest record information, and court records as well as implement a mugshot online monitoring program.

An experienced ORM will work with engineers who specialize in search engines and IT professionals to develop an effective and confidential strategy to remove an arrest record and mugshot photos from search engines and the internet. Searches will be conducted to reveal each instance the arrest information appears on the internet, including identifying each website where the jail record, mugshot photo, and/or arrest information comes up. Based on the findings and an in-depth analysis, a strategy will be implemented to remove the arrest record and mugshot from all sites that have published it as soon as possible.

The damaging information will be removed from the mugshot websites and from search, including Google, Bing and Yahoo, and Google images.

Contact a Mugshot Removal Lawyer

You can also speak to a criminal defense attorney to discuss getting your arrest record and mugshot removed. More than likely, this will be a costly endeavor. Lawyers are not typically in the business of mugshot removal and removing an individual’s arrest record from search results. You’ll most likely end up spending the same amount of money on getting your mugshot removed and your arrest record expunged as you would in attorney courtroom fees.

Delete Your Record

Another option is to expunge or seal your arrest record, which may be more difficult to accomplish on your own. This procedure requires that the crime you committed be within the scope of the expungement law, which typically includes minor offenses, minor drug offenses, and other non-violent or sexual crimes. For a record to be expunged, a certain amount of time must have passed since the incident or conviction. Additionally, no other convictions of any other criminal offenses may exist.

You’ll have to file a petition with the court requesting that the arrest record and other records be expunged or sealed. If you’re successful, the order of expungement can be sent to the mug shot website that published the booking photo. The website’s own rules may state that mugshots will be removed in such cases.

You can also opt to seek a court order mandating the mugshot image be removed.

Work with Mugshot Removal Services

It’s difficult to get mugshots, arrest records, and criminal records removed on your own, and an attorney will be costly. You need the expertise that comes with mugshot removal services. These companies know which strategies to employ to get a negative image and content removed from the internet. You don’t want your career and personal and business relationships jeopardized because of a false arrest or minor incident that is now part of the public record.

Need help with getting your personal info off the web? Contact us now!

Everything You Need to Know About the MyFitnessPal Breach

Being a victim of a data breach could be extremely stressful and around 150 million MyFitnessPal accounts of Under Armour’s MyFitnessPal app experienced this misery in February 2018. Though the organization played down the data breach, there have been some undeniably large flaws in the storing of information that could have been avoided.

Several affected users tried to make a data breach compensation claim against the brand and because of this, it underwent investigation for breaching the Data Protection Act. So, what actually happened?

In this article, we’ll discover what went wrong, what it is best to do when you have been a victim of a data breach and how you can preserve your data secure in the future.

What Data Was Taken from the MyFitnessPal App?

The kind of information that fitness companies keep is usually quite private and detailed. Fitness apps usually ask for our email addresses, names, dates of birth, card details, and even your height and weight and social media accounts! The delicate nature of this information, and the fraudulent uses it divines, means it’s a preferred target for hackers.

When the MyFitnessPal data breach occurred, hackers stole and the affected information included usernames, passwords, and email addresses. Under Armour does not collect government identifiers or sensitive information, such as social security numbers and driver’s license numbers.

Under Armor rapidly reset all affected MyFitnessPal user accounts passwords, so the data couldn’t be used on the app, however, 12 months later, the old passwords have been on sale on the dark web for a price of around $20,000.

How Did Hackers Access MyFitnessPal?

Under Armour stated that almost all the hashed passwords on their systems have been protected with the hashing function called bcrypt making encrypted passwords extremely hard to crack.

However, the brand later admitted that a big proportion of the exposed hashed passwords have been only protected with a known weak hashing function known as SHA-1. There had been known flaws in this protection system for more than a decade, with several tech giants previously arguing that it shouldn’t have been used.

How Can I Find Out If My Personal Information Was Compromised?

In case you have been a user of MyFitnessPal in 2018, your data would have been accessed. You need to have received a notice from the app telling you to reset your password and so they answered a few of the common FAQs concerning the breach on their website.

As soon as passwords have been reset, the stolen data was useless to the hackers as they might no longer access private MyFitnessPal details. However, as with every data breach, it left users weak to other potential hacks on social media platforms that had identical login details.

What Did MyFitnessPal Do Following the Data Breach?

A spokesperson for MyFitnessPal stated users have been notified of the breach and informed to change their passwords immediately. They stated that they responded swiftly and stopped passwords that have been valid in 2018 from being able to access accounts.

The company additionally stated that they “continue to observe for suspicious activity and to coordinate with law enforcement authorities,” including that it was bolstering systems that detect and stop unauthorized access to user data.

What Should You Do if You Are Involved in a Data Breach?

In case you used the app in 2018, you’d have been notified that you need to reset your password. In case you used this same password on other websites, it’s a good suggestion to change these passwords too.

Frequently check your bank statements to make sure there isn’t any suspicious unauthorized party acquired data activity as well as run a full antivirus scan of your pc.

Is it Safe to Use MyFitnessPal App?

What’s the company doing to protect the MyFitnessPal account information? As soon as the company became aware, it rapidly took steps to find out the nature and scope of the problem. They’re working with leading data security companies to help in their investigation. They’ve additionally been notified and are coordinating with law enforcement authorities.

They’re taking steps to protect their community, including the next:

  • Notifying MyFitnessPal users to provide info on how they’ll protect their data.
  • Requiring MyFitnessPal users to change their passwords and urge users to take action immediately.
  • Proceed to monitor for suspicious activity and to coordinate with law enforcement authorities.
  • Proceed to make enhancements to their systems to detect and stop unauthorized access to user info.

How Should I Keep My Data Protected to Avoid a Data Breach in the Future?

With data breaches becoming more frequent, it’s important to keep your information protected. Be sure you are frequently reviewing communications you’re receiving to ensure they’re authentic and begin using completely different and secure passwords for different accounts.

Hackers are extremely smart, so any systems that aren’t up to date are vulnerable to being hacked. Due to this, you need to always update your devices and systems as and when they’re prompted. This could help to keep away from the chance of malware entering the pc.

More than ever before, we’ve relied on technology to keep us fit throughout the pandemic, however, this has left us exposed to numerous data breaches. Moving ahead, all users of fitness apps need to be particularly aware of the risks to avoid a data breach.

If you’re ready to learn more about how to protect your online privacy, contact EraseMugshots by dialing 866-601-6803 today.

What Data was Obtained in the Adult Friend Finder Leak?

The Adult Friend Finder leak compromised the privacy of millions of individuals. Learn how to recover your personal privacy with our guide. 

In November 2016, technology news sites reported AdultFriendFinder suffered a massive Data Breach. The breaches occurred in October and went unaddressed for weeks, affecting almost 412 million accounts of the world’s largest sex and swinger community online.

The interesting part is that not only the active users were affected, but also 15 million deleted accounts were also exposed and were among the leaked data. Besides the Friend Finder networks, there were six compromised databases similar to FriendFinder networks – like and

Apart from the personal data, some sensitive details were also exposed in the Adult Friend Finder leak, like extramarital affairs and purchases made, and sexual preferences by the website users. Also, the source code was available for purchase on the Dark Web. Since over 400 million accounts were under attack, the huge database was converted onto the dark web, and the malicious hackers sold the data of the accounts exposed.

Unfortunately, if you were a user of Adult Friend Finder at that time, the certainty that your data was also included in the hack is really big, since no account was spared. Besides the sensitive data, the hackers got email addresses and passwords and join dates to the network.

This was not the first AdultFriendFinder breach, but it was the largest one. A security researcher going with the name Revolver on Twitter was the one who exposed the flaw and the hackers were able to use the local file inclusion flaw and inject and run a code on their server, which led to one of the largest data breaches in that decade.

Can AdultFriendFinder be used for Identity Theft?

For sure it can be used in a malicious manner. Of these hundreds of millions of breached accounts, over 78.000 of them were created from a military email address and over 5000 were from .gov emails, meaning that the users were government employees. These are accounts that are at risk because they can make false extortion attempts and try to scam the users for money.

Besides the extortion attempts, these email addresses are also targets for phishing and malware attacks, since the hackers have access to many personal details that they can include in such attacks.

There are some steps that every internet user should follow in order to protect themselves from such data breaches as the one that happened to the Friend Finder website. Here are some of the points to take care of:

  • Change passwords frequently, use 2-Factor authentication, and don’t have your passwords stored on your browsers.
  • Do not save your credit card records on the browser and use it only if needed.
  • Always have your antivirus programs, operating systems, and firewalls updated to the latest versions.
  • Watch out for phishing and scammy emails and do not press on any links that you receive from an unknown domain or e-mail addresses.

The ultimate advice here is to be careful with your data when sharing it on the internet. No matter if you create a new account, email address, or social media profile, always be aware of your privacy, since it can be targeted and misused.

Five things to know about the most sensitive security breach

When it comes to protecting the sites hosting user accounts and passwords, or any customer information, there are some regulations that you need to follow and actually have amazing security and support that you need to provide to your users.

There are several points that we are going to cover and details to provide about the Friend Finder data breach that you can use to avoid similar cases on your websites.

Adult Friend Finder Still Works

Even after the breach happened to this website and the other sites included in the same attack, the Friend Finder still works and continues to serve the same topic as before. The site is still highly ranked and is among the best 200 websites in the United States and the Top 20 Adult sites globally.

They are having around 50 million visits monthly, mostly from the States and from many other English-speaking countries. Their cheapest subscription is $19.95 per month with a minimum of 12 months’ commitment. This also shows that even besides the breach, people are going to use their service, but it’s good that they are aware of what happened and are more conservative when sharing the details on this platform.

Not the first Breach on Adult Friend Finder

A similar breach happened a year prior, in 2015 on the same service. With around 3.5m users affected, the data was exposed on the dark internet on 15 Excel files with details like IP addresses, handles, countries, states and zip codes, emails and birth dates, and many more personal details.

In the leaked source there were also sexual orientations for every user that was affected and every extramarital affair that they were after. This was a hack performed by a Thai hacker using the handle ROR that was active on the Tor onion service forum.

The Security at the time of the Data Breach was imperfect

It appears that the first breach was not taken seriously and the security was really not improved from the website’s end. In the second breach that happened in 2016, the same exploit was used as before.

Internet analysts stated that a big portion of the passwords were plaintext passwords and easily hackable. One of the huge reasons for these attacks was that the website dated from 1996 and its systems were old and not updated. This was the main reason that the hackers were able to find a crack and initiate the breaches.

The Breach can be Sensitive

This type of breach can certainly be sensitive since personal and private data was exposed and the users were “uncovered” for what they were doing. It was awkward and embarrassing for every user that was exposed.

Another sensitive point about it is that the users usually share their secrets, no matter if they are false or true, but surely they do not want to have these details to be connected with them. This means that such websites need to have better security and take better care of their customers. Many of those users were attacked personally and extorted for money in order for their secrets to remain secret.

The 2016 Friend Finder Networks Breach was the Largest

The leak that happened in 2016 was one of the largest leaks with hundreds of millions of accounts affected. To be exact, over 412 million accounts were leaked with usernames and passwords.

In 2016, there were also two Yahoo! security breaches, but they didn’t get the fame as Adult Friend Finder since the data leaked from these sexual websites was sensitive and shadowed the Yahoo breach.

To summarize, this hack and leak was one of the most talked-about events in the hacking world in 2016 and still serves as an example of how not to handle security and protect your website that works with so much sensitive data.

People are still having a hard time recovering from this attack, but everybody draws a good conclusion when it comes to oversharing personal and private data online.

Need help with getting your personal info off the web? Contact us now!

A Complete List of Hacks and Best Buy Leaks of Data

If you are a business that is having a department that works online and sells products and services online, there is always a possibility that you might be a target of any phishing attacks and data breaches. Do not be surprised when we say that some of the biggest companies in the United States – including Best Buy were a target of such an attack. So for the wider audience that resides outside of the US, let’s provide some more info on Best Buy before getting into the Best Buy leaks they’ve suffered.

Best Buy is a company that retails electronics in U.S., Mexico, and Canada. To bring the younger audience closer to their interest, they are one of the biggest retailers of games, no matter if they are for PC or consoles like the Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series, or Sony Playstation.

So what exactly happened?

Like many online stores, Best Buy also provides an online chat option to improve their shopping experience and provide the customers with this kind of support. They were outsourcing the chat service from a website and company called (24)

Well, this company was hacked and the hacker had access to all the payment details from the online users – in other words, suffered from an online intrusion of privacy. The guys at Best Buy stated that only a small part of their users was included in the incident, but there is no certain number of how many fans were affected by this attack.

Besides the Best Buy company, several other companies like Sears, Kmart, and Delta were impacted. In collaboration with law enforcement, these companies worked towards solving the problem and finding out how much damage was done.

Were you the victim of the data breach?

So after this incident happened, Best Buy was trying to find out which clients of theirs were included in the data breach intrusion. They formed a team to contact them and alert their users through e-mail with specific details on how to handle the whole situation.

Some of the instructions to follow were to cancel the credit or debit cards that were used with Best Buy and update their pin numbers. Another point that was made was to reset the password on and closely follow the credit card that was used in case it was not canceled on time.

Another important point that they’ve made was to get a copy of the credit report and inspect it if there are any suspicious charges. If any, the next advice was to freeze that account to prevent the hackers to create new accounts with those details and further misuse this data.

In case you found out that you are a victim of this attack, you can contact Best Buy at [email protected]. This is an incentive plus to also reach out to your bank and stop any credit cards that were connected to your account there.

Other Leaks from Best Buy

The popular games are on a watch by the game fanatics and once available on their site or in their store, expect an avalanche of gamers waiting in lines to buy them and hoping to get them before everybody. There is no need to place ads when there are so dedicated people that just follow what’s new.

Other leaks that happened with Best Buy are not as harmful as the one above. They were just information leaked from their email contact on restocking a game that was planned to happen in the near future.

The email that was leaked was saying that there will be a PS5 and Xbox Series X restock. Also, it stated that there will be a sales event and the date was also mentioned in the email message. The procedure was to order the products online and pick them up at the nearest Best Buy store. Also, they mentioned a certain number of copies that were available for the users to get.

One other thing that was mentioned in the email was that they will also restock the consoles and that these items will be available only for online purchasers – not the walk-in-store customers and employees.

What We Learned from Best Buy Leaks

Aside from these two leaks and hacks, we concluded that Best Buy now in 2022 is pretty secure and learned from its errors. Even though millions of customers were affected by the hack and another big number of people benefited from the email leak – Best Buy managed to keep its reputation and still be one of the leading retailers in its niche.

The conclusion of the harmful attack is to take care and protect your personal data in case some online store was under attack from hackers and the records were compromised. Do not click on every link you will receive in your email and do not visit every web that you will come across.

If you are feeling insecure, you can use password management services and improve the safety of every sign in detail you use. Also, when purchasing online, use websites that have HTTPS for additional security.

In the past when the websites were not that secure, many malware and ransomware executable files were attached to certain files, and people without being aware downloaded them and exposed them as potential targets for malicious hacker attacks.

Of course, now in 2022, everything is a little bit safer than before, but still, there is a huge chance that you can end up being a victim of internet abuse. After all, where cybersecurity fails, we need to step in for ourselves!

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The Big Target Data Breach 2020: What We Learned

On December 19, the retailer stated that as many as 40 million credit card and debit card accounts may have been compromised during Black Friday weekend through December 15, and that data stolen included customer names, credit card or debit card numbers, the card expiration dates and CVV (Card Verification Value). The Target data breach 2020 was a huge hit for the brand.

In an update on the hacking investigation, Target stated that an additional 70 million people have been affected, and the stolen customer data contains names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Target stated that a lot of this information is “partial in nature,” however it’s going to nonetheless provide one year of free credit monitoring and id theft protection to all visitors who shopped at its U.S. stores.

Because of the incident, Target is lowering its fourth-quarter 2013 earnings guidance, saying that it expects fourth-quarter earnings to fall within the range of $1.20 to $1.30 per share, down from the previously announced range of $1.50 to $1.60 per share.

The retailer additionally adjusted its sales outlook, now saying that it expects a comparable sales decline of 2.5%, versus its prior guidance of flat comparable sales. Target stated this expectation contains “meaningfully weaker-than-expected sales since the announcement, which have shown improvement within the final several days” and a comparable sales decline of 2% to 6% for the interval in the quarter following the announcement of the data breach.

What Do I Need to Know About the Target Data Breach of 2020?

Target confirmed reports that the company’s safety systems had been breached, permitting hackers to access up to 40 million credit card and debit card accounts. Customers who shopped at Target stores, not the retailer’s online website, between November 27 and December 15 could also be affected.

Target stated in a press release that it started investigating the incident as quickly as it was found, together with contacting credit card issuers, financial institutions, and the authorities. Target didn’t specify the way it was hacked, however, security experts consider hackers targeted the retailer’s point-of-sale system, either by slipping malware into the terminals or gathering customer data as it made its approach to credit card processors, CNN reported.

A day after the announcement, cyber-security researcher Brian Krebs, who broke the initial story, introduced he had already tracked down counterfeit cards made using info stolen in the Target data breach. He stated the cards have been flooding underground black markets, selling for $20 to $100 per card.

While the retailer stressed that only in-store clients have been affected and outside sources no longer have access to their systems and user data, what does this mean for you in case you were buying at Target for a good deal ahead of the holidays?

What Target Did Wrong

How a company responds to a malware infection makes a considerable difference in how an attack might affect its clients and business. The Initial response is essential to the minimizing of a malware attack and can be one of many areas where Target underperformed.

Target missed several inner alerts and only found their breach when contacted by the Department of Justice. Their monitoring software program (FireEye) alerted Target employees in Bangalore, India, who in turn notified employees in Minneapolis: however, no action was taken.

Even if Target reportedly spent a big sum on security training, and technology using encryption, their data was accessed in memory where it was unencrypted.

Damages to the Company

While the consequences of the breach are everlasting on Target’s security solutions, the company confronted major losses at the time of incidence, setting them back greatly through the holiday season. After earnings dropped 46 % throughout Q4 of 2013, customer visits plunged during the new yr, prolonging Target’s losses.

High-ranking staff, including Target’s CEO, lost their jobs, and over 140 lawsuits have been filed in three years. The Huffington Post estimates the breach had a price of $252 million before the lawsuit, including the prices for banks to reissue 21.8 million cards.

A Few of the Less-Reported Numbers Related to this Epic Breach.

  • 40 million – The number of total credit card data and debit cards thieves stole from Target between Nov. 27 and Dec. 15, 2013.
  • 70 million – The number of records that thieves stole, including the name, address, e-mail address, and phone numbers of Target affected customers.
  • 46 – The percentage drop in earnings at Target in the fourth quarter of 2013, compared with the 12 months before.
  • 200 million – Estimated dollar cost to credit unions and community banks for reissuing 21.8 million cards about half of the total stolen in the Target breach.
  • 100 million – The number of dollars Target says it is going to spend upgrading its payment terminals to support Chip-and-PIN enabled cards.
  • 0 – The number of customer cards that Chip-and-PIN-enabled terminals would have been capable of stopping the bad guys from stealing had Target put the technology in place prior to the data breach (without end-to-end encryption of card information, the card numbers and card expiration dates can still be stolen and used).
  • 0 – The number of people in Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Chief Security Officer (CSO) jobs at Target (based on the AP).
  • 18.00 – 35.70 – The median price range per card stolen from Target and resold on the black market (range covers the median card price on Feb. 19, 2014, vs. Dec. 19, 2013, respectively).
  • 1 million – 3 million – The estimated number of credit and debit cards were stolen from Target that has been successfully sold on the black market and used for fraud before issuing banks received around to canceling the rest (primarily based on interviews with three different banks, which discovered that between 3-7 % of all cards they were told by Visa/MasterCard have been compromised actually ended up experiencing fraud).
  • 53.7 million – The earnings that hackers probably generated from the sale of two million cards stolen from Target and sold at the mid-range price of $26.85 on the black market (the median price between $18.00 and $35.70).
  • 55 million – The number of dollars outgoing CEO Gregg Steinhafel stands to reap in executive compensation and other advantages on his departure as Target’s chief executive.

How Did Target Handle the Data Breach?

Targets incident response with the data breach very effectively, all things considered. It was in a position to notify clients about twenty days after the breach occurred, but only 4 days after they have seen it. Within the wide spectrum of data breaches, that is very fast. The problem is that the data breach occurred at all. Target might, and should, have been more cautious about its third-party solutions and there have been internal issues that needed to be resolved.

Following the data breach, Target did problems with more secure chip-and-pin cards. They found that chips alone weren’t enough to secure most of the cards that had been compromised, although customers learned a lesson too credit cards are far more secure than debit cards. With credit cards, it’s simpler to overturn a transaction, and a fake transaction doesn’t leave you without cash.

A “Chip and pin” card is inherently more secure because it implies that somebody with only a name, card number, and address normally can’t perform transactions. But that wasn’t an all-around solution. Enough data had been stolen that client identities might potentially be compromised, regardless if the debit and credit cards have been secured. And identity theft could be a much larger problem than a single compromised card.

What Could Target Have Done Better

Target had offered a portal through which third-party vendors might access data. Sadly, a compromise to this third-party solution made it possible to jump into Target’s own network. If Target had correctly segregated its commercial cloud services and network, it could have been a lot harder for a cyber-attack of this magnitude to have occurred by using command-and-control IP addresses.

However realistically, networks are giant. Target Company could have prevented this data breach, however, cybercriminals are all over the place and they’re persistent. Many companies aren’t just improving their security and shutting their gaps but are additionally investing in cybercrime insurance. This protects them on the occasion that a data breach does happen.

How can I check if my Data Was Breached During a Target Hack?

For those who shopped at Target with a debit card or credit card during the affected time period, Target sent out letters to everybody who was affected by the data breach. In case you shopped at any Target stores between Nov. 27 and Dec. 18, 2013, you should also review your credit card and bank statements from that time period to search for suspicious expenses.

The time to file a claim has passed, but you may be capable to take legal action if you weren’t notified, and you have been affected by the Target hack.

It’s also possible to call Target directly at 866-852-8680. Target REDcard holders have been also affected, as well as customers at all 1,800 stores in the USA.

What Should I do if my Data Was Breached During the Target Hack?

Federal protections are different between credit cards and debit cards. While credit card customers’ exposure is capped at $50 if they report the fraud within 60 days, debit card customers don’t enjoy such strong protection, and the account balance is far weaker.

“In case you used a debit card rather than a credit card at Target through the affected time period, it’s a good suggestion to contact your bank and cancel the card. “ says Christine Layton, an expert at

J.P. Morgan Chase has introduced that they’ve lowered the daily withdrawal and buy limits for customers whose cards have been affected by the breach. That is only expected to be a temporary measure while new cards are being issued.

Be Vigilant for Signs of Fraud

In breaches, these massive, more credit cards are stolen than thieves can use. It’s estimated that about 5% of the cards stolen will probably be used, or about 2 million cards.

Check your credit card statement or bank statement for any suspicious fraudulent activity. Keep in mind these identity thieves won’t necessarily make large, noticeable purchases; many try to make smaller purchases over a long time period that you’re less likely to notice.

Report fraud or suspicious activity to your financial institution or credit card issuer immediately. It’s also possible to sign up for a fraud monitoring service, which is normally free, as it could take months to notice any indicators of fraud.

You may as well report detected fraud to the Federal Trade Commission by calling 1-877-438-4338 or online.

If you know you’ve been the victim of fraud or identity theft, it’s really helpful that you place a fraud alert on your credit report, which is free and will be active for 90 days. This can make it harder for thieves to open new accounts in your name by requiring companies to confirm your identity before issuing credit.

Tell Me the Best Way to Protect Yourself When Shopping at Retail Stores?

While they could make some customers feel helpless against faceless thieves, there are steps you need to take to protect yourself against fraudulent expenses and identity theft. The bad information for customers? The expanding scope of the theft raises the danger that somebody might be victimized.

Because of this, customers should continue to be vigilant in monitoring their credit card and bank accounts, as well as to be suspicious of any emails or calls from individuals claiming to represent retailers or banks.

It’s additionally necessary to keep in mind that a retailer’s legal responsibility is just to report the data loss to customers, credit bureaus, and state regulators. Retailers aren’t legally required to offer credit-protection services to customers, Brian Lapidus, managing senior director, and information security practice leader at Kroll, informed CBS MoneyWatch in an email.

Because the story of how hackers stole confidential data from Target continues to escalate, some persons are vowing to only use the money for purchases, given the risk of credit card fraud. But Lapidus notes that customers shouldn’t quit on plastic.

“Cash might be lost or stolen with little or no recourse,” he wrote. “I’d rather use a credit card which has protections afforded to the cardholder if the card number is used without his/her authority.”

But customers do need to be ready for the worst, stated Yaron Samid, CEO of financial planning software maker BillGuard. “It looks as if right now there’s almost an epidemic of malware at point-of-sale terminals,” he stated.

In today’s surroundings, “It’s only a matter of time before your info is compromised.”

Beneath are 9 suggestions gleaned from three security experts interviewed by CBS MoneyWatch on the right way to protect yourself amid the rising security threat.

  1. Check your credit card and debit card statements on a daily basis. “There’s absolutely no substitute for being vigilant,” Samid stated. Thieves might place a small charge of just a dollar or two to verify if the card is active. Because of this, report any questionable charge, regardless of how small.
  2. In case you discover an unauthorized charge, ask your bank to cancel the credit or debit card and issue you a brand new one. “That is most advisable with a debit card,” Kroll’s Lapidus stated.
  3. Think about tools for monitoring both your credit card profile and your card activity. Target is providing a credit-monitoring service for customers, which Lapidus believes affected people should enroll in. Customers might also wish to use a bill-monitoring service similar to BillGuard, which uses crowdsourcing to flag suspicious charges. The service has caught $60 million in fraudulent expenses during the previous two years, Samid stated.
  4. Be suspicious of correspondence claiming to be from your bank or the retailer you shopped at. As a result of Target’s security breach additionally including theft of personal information, it’s more probably the thieves will use “phishing” to convince you to part with much more sensitive info, such as passwords.
  5. Phishing isn’t only done through the telephone and email. Scams additionally abound on Twitter and Facebook. For example, already a “phishing” tweet purporting to offer a link to verify if you were a victim of the breach has surfaced, Samid stated. When you click on it, it asks you to re-enter your Twitter password. This might end up as a serious financial problem in case you use the same password for your bank accounts as password protection.
  6. Double-check the website URL of the bank or retailer in any correspondence you receive. If it doesn’t look proper, don’t click on it. Better yet, enter your bank’s URL in a separate browser window, to make sure you are reaching your bank website and not a scam website.
  7. Change your passwords. An astounding number of individuals use easy passwords like “password” or “1234” for their accounts, notes Neil Chase of Lifelock, which provides identity-theft protection services. Some customers might wish to use a password generator, although, for most individuals changing their passwords to include capital letters, symbols or numbers could also be enough.
  8. Shred documents. While the main focus in Target’s security breach has been on electronic theft of data, criminals still steal physical documents, Chase stated. Keep in mind to keep all of your data secure, not just your online data.
  9. Remember in case you start receiving unusual pieces of mail, Kroll’s Lapidus stated. While it might imply nothing, it might also “be an indication that data has been compromised.”

The bottom line is that credit monitoring is only a part of the solution, stated Kroll’s Lapidus. “Passwords, PINs, and so on, have nothing to do with credit monitoring. Customers need different tools outside of monitoring,” he wrote. “Commerce is protected, but vigilance is paramount.”

Some might consider that living off the grid could be the only solution, however, that is not so easily achieved nowadays. As such, customers need to understand that data security requires them to be prepared and not rely only on banks to protect them.

“Realistically, we need to live more freely, do our banking from the coffee shop via Wifi,” Chase stated. “We need to put our birthdays on Facebook despite the fact that” that may help thieves sniff out your full birthdate. He added, “It’s a balancing act to be as secure as you can be.”

Frequently Asked Questions

When Did Data Breaches Begin?

A rise in public- disclosure of data breaches emerged from the Nineteen Eighties, while the public grew to become aware of e, publicly-disclosed data breaches increased in frequency within the Nineteen Eighties, and awareness of data breaches grew within the early 2000s.

Why Did The Target Data Breach Happen?

A security breach at Target had happened in late January, during which hackers had stolen credentials from a vendor, in violation of Target’s privacy policy. Last week, Fazio Mechanical Services announced it had suffered a “sophisticated cyber-attack.”.

Did Target Have A Data Breach 2020?

A total of 40 to 70 million payment card accounts have been compromised and customer info has been disclosed in the Target breach. As a part of its statement, Fazio Mechanical Services talked about how the company suffered a sophisticated cyber-attack like Target.

What Vulnerability Caused The Target Data Breach?

It’s believed that Target’s vendor violated its security by not offering an adequate anti-malware software program and failing to segregate its customer’s info between its data and another network. Some highlights from the experience: Target wasn’t in a position to defend its systems from phishing attacks as a result they didn’t know the way to do this.

Where Does Data Breach Happen?

Data breaches are the results of malicious cyber cybercriminals successfully penetrating a data source and stealing proprietary data. Remotely bypassing security on an inside network or physically accessing access to a pc might allow you to steal local information.

Are Data Breaches On The Rise?

The report says that the number of data breaches on which authorities acted reached an all-time high of 68 % last yr. In its report on the Identity Theft Resource Center’s Defending Against It 2016 Data Breach Report, the Center discovered that 1,862 data breaches occurred the last yr, topping earlier records of 1,108 for 2020 and 1,506 for 2017.


It’s necessary for merchants to know that the range of security threats could be wider than standard PCI compliance. Monitoring networks and paying attention to disruptive or unusual patterns in a system’s network is essential to protecting their systems – and in turn, customer information. Target is only one of many companies to have confronted a serious data breach. Be sure your company or business is protecting your clients the most effective they can.

There isn’t a silver bullet in our online world against data breaches. With the growing amount of data leak incidents lately, you will need to analyze the weak points in our systems, strategies, and legislations and seek solutions to the problem. In this paper, we introduced a comprehensive analysis of the Target data breach.

We described several security tips to boost security in merchants’ systems. We presented state-of-the-art credit card security techniques and gave customers best practices to hide card info during purchase transactions.

Looking for more ways to protect your reputation? Contact us now!


Should I Worry About the Chili’s Data Breach?

Going out and having fun while dining should be one normal and entertaining experience. That was not the case if you have been dining in Chili’s restaurants during the period when they got affected by a data breach. Chili’s data breach made tons of customers vulnerable.

Brinker International Inc. which is the parent company of Chili’s Grill & Bar chain of restaurants announced their servers were targeted and attacked by hackers.

They announced that credit or debit card information was stolen in this hacking accident. All previous customers who had their information saved on Chili’s servers were in danger because their information was taken away and they needed a quick solution in order to protect their bank accounts.

The reveal of Chili’s data breach

The Chili’s Grill & Bar parent company – on 05.11.2018 Brinker international disclosed they discovered malware in some of their payment-related systems.

In their statement, it was mentioned they suspect that malware was active between March and April of 2018 in some of their restaurants. This is their first statement after the disclosure of this data breach:

“This notice is to make you aware that some Chili’s restaurants have been impacted by a data incident, which may have resulted in unauthorized access or acquisition of your payment card data, and to provide you information on steps you can take to protect yourself and minimize the possibility of misuse of your information.”

The information they had was pointing that this attack was limited to the debit or credit card numbers and names of their customers (cardholders). After they revealed this data breach and after their first official statement, they also released some other statements about this matter.

“Based on the details of the issue currently uncovered, we believe that malware was used to gather payment card information including credit or debit card numbers as well as cardholder names from our payment-related systems for in-restaurant purchases at certain Chili’s restaurants. Currently, we believe the data incident was limited to between March – April 2018; however, we continue to assess the scope of the incident.”

“Chili’s does not collect certain personal information (such as social security number, full date of birth, or federal or state identification number) from Guests. Therefore, this personal information was not compromised.”

Because there were a lot of worried people about the security of their personal information the company highlighted they do not collect social security numbers or any other personal information (credit and debit card numbers, cardholder names, and expiration dates) from their customers.

They didn’t say exactly how many customers were affected by this data breach but they activated the incident response plan right away and started working with third-party forensic experts in order to investigate the whole incident.

The customers of Chili’s Grill & Bar were advised by Brinker to keep track and monitor their credit card and bank statements and to report any suspicious activity. There was a special web page that was set up by the company where the customers were able to visit and get more information on the data breach and any additional updates on this event.

From this situation and many others that happened previously, we can see that major restaurant chains are a favorite target for cyber criminals because there are examples of data breaches that include Arby’s, Amazon’s Whole Foods Market, and Chipotle.

What you should do after this data breach?

Brinker International Inc. promised credit monitoring services and fraud resolution for all guests that were affected, which is similar to other corporations that faced a data breach.

Chili’s parent company required their customers to urgently do a credit freeze if they didn’t make one before because that was crucial for their protection. Some of the money experts were talking about doing a credit freeze immediately if you are involved in a data breach.

Something that should determine if you need to do a credit freeze is the size of the data breach that occurred. However, a credit freeze is one of the best ways to protect yourself after a data breach.

Need more help with data leaks online? EraseMugshots can help!

Experiencing Email Breaches? Here’s What You Need to Know

All the email addresses that are taken (hacked) by cybercriminals have the potential to become a gold mine in form of personal data and open access to other multiple services you are using on the internet. This is because a very high percentage of people are linking everything from federal taxes to online banking and other sensitive and personal information with their emails. That’s why email breaches are a serious issue for security.

The process of recovering from hacks and other security threats can be time-consuming. You will need to act really fast in order to minimize the damage. Damage to your finances and identity and most importantly to protect people around you.

When we talk about your email accounts you should know that cyber thieves can take control of them to steal a financial or personal information

A cyber thief will be able to take control of your email accounts, steal financial or personal information, and use them to send deceitful messages to everyone on your contact list.

You will need to know that protecting yourself completely against data breaches is impossible even if you ignore the scam emails and if you have antivirus software with the latest updates.

Protecting yourself completely is not possible mostly because the hackers are always finding new ways in order to gain access to someone’s usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, bank account information, and other data.

However, the fact that you cannot completely protect yourself doesn’t mean that you should give up and go with the flow. You will definitely need to take some steps in order to better protect your email password and account.

What is a data breach?

Every incident where some information (account information, personal info, phone numbers) is taken or stolen from the system without the authorization of the system’s owner is considered a data breach. Everyone can become a victim of data breaches and it doesn’t really matter if you have a smaller company or you run a large organization.

In these situations, the taken data can contain valuable or confidential information such as customer data, credit card numbers, and social security numbers, and can compromise all other accounts with passwords and security questions linked to your email.

Because of a perceived ‘trust betrayal’, the effects of a data breach can come as damage to the targeted company’s reputation. In situations like this, the victim of the cyberattack is suffering the biggest losses but his customers can also suffer financial losses if their personal details are part of the information that is taken away.

By some statistics, the most stolen information when a data breaches occur is PII or personally identifiable information and in the second place is financial data.

Malware attacks and hacking cause the majority of data and email breaches. Apart from hacking and malware attacks, there are other breach methods also.

Data Breach Phases

Like many other processes, the data breach process also has different phases. Let’s check them individually.

Research Phase

At the very beginning of this process, the attackers are picking up a target first. Once they pick their target they start looking for a weakness they can exploit: the whole network, systems, or employees. This process is time-consuming and requests countless hours of research done by the attackers.

In more aggressive approaches it may involve stalking of the employee’s social media profiles in order to get more information that is posted online about the person, and the company.

Attack phase

Once the attackers discover the target’s weaknesses they make the first step and launch an attack which can be a social or network-based attack.

When a social attack occurs, in order to infiltrate the target network attacker is using social engineering tactics. For example, they can send maliciously crafted email to an employee, which is specifically made to catch the employee’s attention. The email usually asks for specific information which can fool the reader into giving away personal data to the sender and losing online accounts.

These emails can also come with a malware attachment that can be executed after they are downloaded.

Extracting phase

After the hackers get inside the network they are able to freely extract any data they want from the company network. In most cases, stolen data is used for cyber propaganda and blackmailing. Additionally, the information that attackers collected can be used for more dangerous attacks on the target’s infrastructure.

Different Methods for Email Breaches

Payment card fraud

By making use of the physical skimming devices people can steal your credit card data.

Losing and Stealing

You will need to be very careful with your files, laptops, portable drives, office computers, and other physical possessions because they can be easily lost or get stolen.

All of us keep sensitive information on our laptops, personal computers, or portable drives and if it fell into the wrong hand we can experience enormous losses.

A leak from inside

In most of these cases, the data breach act is made by a very trusted person or individual who has access privileges and is able to steal all data information from the server.

Unintended disclosure

In the moments where you lose your focus or you make a mistake, you risk exposing your data. Many people who have a chance will go on and look into your personal information without hesitation and with today’s technology, we know that pictures or screenshots can be taken in a matter of seconds. Do not leave the information on your laptop or personal computer exposed when you are not using them.

Unknown breach method

You will need to know that some data breach methods can remain unknown in some situations. With the new technology, there are also more sophisticated methods and in a small number of cases, they remain unknown.

Steps to take if your Email account gets hacked in Email breaches

Change your password

You will need to change your password after the attack is made and after you clean your computer from possible malware. In case you lost access to your email account, you will need to get in contact with your email provider, prove who you are, and start the process of password reset.

Getting a new password

When you choose your new password you will need to be sure that is different from your old one (do not use the same password) and that it doesn’t contain strings or any repeated numbers and characters.

When adding a new strong password you should avoid having obvious ties with your personal information such as your name, birthday, or any other similar info. This is because other hackers can find this information very easily and they usually use it when trying their first brute force attempts to access your account.

Get unique password

You will need to create unique and strong passwords for every account that you have. This means that you should have complex passwords which are made with a mixture of numbers, letters, and special characters and you should make them longer, at least 15 characters long.

Using unique passwords and two-factor authentication or other different services will help you keep your online privacy from possible new breaches.

If you are experiencing trouble managing your new passwords or you need help creating new ones, feel free to use a secure password manager so you can save and use them easily.

Notify people from your contact list

In case you are a victim of an email data breach or identity theft always keep in mind that you need to protect and notify people from your contact list. Telling your friends, family, and other people from your contact list that your account has been hacked can prevent additional damage.

While your email is hacked and attackers are having total control they can use this time to send hundreds of malware-laden emails to everyone they will find on your contact list. This type of attack is called a phishing attack and if they make proper use of your information they can get easy access to a new set of victims.

The previous example doesn’t only imply people on your email contact list but also your friends on other platforms. The email method is one of the many options that attackers can use in order to bait your contacts. By controlling your email they can try and breach your social media accounts or messaging applications that can be used for sending fraudulent messages.

Security questions

In most situations stealing your password is only the beginning and it is possible for hackers to break into your account by answering the secret questions.

When it comes to security questions, using false answers can lower the chances for cybercriminals to break in again. All you need to do is to remember those answers and not make them obvious so they can be discovered through your public info, or through your social media posts.

By some research done by Google, it was revealed that many people choose the same answer to common security questions. For example, almost 20% of American users to the question “What is your favorite food?” answered “Pizza”.

Another great option for you to have additional protection is a multi-factor authentication tool that allows you to protect your password resets and logins. In order to provide you with additional email protection, this authentication uses text messages and secondary email addresses. Because security questions are not enough in most cases you should try and use this additional method.

Contacting other online services that you use

Having the need to change your passwords on other online accounts can also become a complex job. You will need to reset your passwords to all payment-based accounts such as credit card companies, Netflix, Amazon, and even your local library. Make sure that your reset all your passwords so you can prevent cybercriminals from compromising these accounts.

It is very important to secure your secondary services because they are ultimately much more precious targets when these security email breaches happen. For example, if the hacker finds the information that is needed to reset your password it can easily break into your bank account.

You should know that the risk of follow-up breaches is very big and because of that reason you should use unique passwords instead of the same password for multiple sites.

Hack report

In situations when your email account gets hacked you will need to contact and inform your email provider about the situation. Even if you didn’t lose access to your email it is important to report when a data breach occurs because it will help providers track the scam behavior.

Remember when you report the hack, you are not only protecting yourself but also others from possible future threats. With this action, you additionally help your provider to improve its security.

After you share the information with your provider they may be able to give you details about the origin of the attack and you can discover if the breach is larger and can possibly affect other services that you are using.

Creating a New Email

Sometimes email recovery can be impossible, and sometimes you just want to move on and start fresh. If your provider is not taking serious steps to lower the number of spam messages you receive, or you don’t have other sensitive data (personal records, family members’ info, and other account details), that is left on your email creating a new email account seems like a great option.

Recently we can see a lot of services that offer default encryption of your emails. In situations when the provider’s servers are breached your private email will remain concealed. Without a proper security key, even hackers are not able to unlock this data.

Another great feature to look for when choosing a new email provider is to look for companies that have high-rated customer service. In case of a problem the companies that have great customer service will be able to answer and assist your quickly and also hassle-free.

Get Secure

In order to have peace of mind, we will suggest you run an antivirus scan on every device that you have connected. Making a scan on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop will make sure that your other devices are secure and that you can freely use them.

Your cloud is another place that can contain a lot of personal data stored. It is recommended for you to inform your providers, change the passwords, and even clean your backups and cloud data with anti-virus. With these steps, you will feel more secure and confident to use any service once again.

Defending yourself against attacks will become a lot easier once you learn how to fix hacked emails. In case you find out that your email was hacked, make sure you make use of our guide and defend against cybercriminals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you check if your email has been breached?

There are websites that offer this kind of service for free. You will need to enter your email address to check if it was compromised in a data breach. In case your email address was compromised you will be able to see the full list of websites that exposed your data.

Was there a Gmail breach?

Until today there isn’t an official statement that Google or its parent company Alphabet were involved in any kind of breaches.

Need more help with data leaks online? EraseMugshots can help!

What You Need to Know About the Fortnite Breach

The Fortnite breach exposed millions of credit card and personal banking details, potentially putting your data privacy at risk. 

Fortnite is made by Epic Games Studio and it is one of the most popular games on the planet, however, this game had a hard time before it saw the light of day. It was long ago when Fortnite was officially revealed in 2011 at the Spike Video Game Awards as a free game.

It was revealed as a base-building game where you build forts with the resources you are gathering and then fight the oncoming waves of enemies. The man who introduced this game to the world was Cliff Bleszinski who later left the studio to retire for a short period.

The data breach they suffered in 2018 rocked the industry.

Why Fortnite Matters: It’s Got Millions of Players

This game was growing as time was passing and now they have like 350 million players. The biggest peak for this game was in the 2018-2019 period when they welcomed an enormous number of players joining their game, however, from that time until now those numbers are still going up but with a slower tempo than before.

Since we mentioned the period between 2018 and 2019 you should know that Fortnite had a rough time in that period because they experienced a data breach in which many Fortnite users lost their account information related to Fortnite account.

If we know that hundreds of thousands or even millions of children play Fortnite, it is alarming to learn that their parents’ cards are linked to their user accounts.

Today we are going to talk about the biggest data breach that hit Fortnite.

Fortnite Data Breach in 2018

More experienced gamers probably know that data breaches can happen to almost any game, this kind of problem happened to Epic Games in 2018 when they experienced a data breach related to their Fortnite accounts.

Hackers attacked the Epic database and manage to steal an enormous number of accounts. Many of those accounts had a credit or debit card linked to their account and they were used to make fraudulent purchases that happened in-game.

After the process was done hackers then sold those accounts loaded with purchases made from the game on the dark web or other similar sites.

How did this Data Breach happen?

Epic Games creators of the Fornite game released a statement on 16.01.2019 informing people there was a flaw in their login system that allowed hackers to enter a big number of accounts. After they stole those accounts they impersonate players and made in-game purchases (purchase in-game currency) with the credit or debit card linked to these accounts.

At that time there was a cybersecurity research company named “Check Point” that managed to exploit a security problem on an old unsecured page that was operated by Epic Games but with very low security.

This company tried to notify Epic Games in November 2018 about the security vulnerability, however, they didn’t want to admit their problem for nearly 2 months period after which Epic Games acknowledged the flaw.

By the end of 2018, the data breach happened but Epic Games didn’t release a statement on how many accounts were affected by this attack. At that time Fortnite had an estimated 200 million registered users and many statistics show that a large percentage of those accounts were hacked.

A Bleeping Computer report tried to illustrate the whole hacking process, saying that users were redirected from Epic Games standard login page to an old and unsecured Epic Games page where their login information was stolen through injected JavaScript Code.

There was a report on BBC that those hackers were paid thousands of British pounds a week just to hack Fortnite accounts. After they hacked those accounts they went to resell them online.

The response from Epic Games

After this data breach happened in response to this Epic Games posted an “Account Security Bulletin” that was placed in the “What Are We Doing To Help” section on Epic Games website saying:

“At Epic, we’ve been working hard to try to hunt down password dumps in order to proactively reset passwords for player accounts when we believe they are leaked online. While this approach involves a lot of manual work on our side, we believe that it prevents a significant amount of fraud. However, this approach doesn’t find every impacted account, or you might have created your Epic account after we checked a particular password dump.

As a result, we’re working to further automate our process to check our account database against password dumps to close the gap in identifying impacted users and resetting their passwords. We’ve also enabled multi-factor authentication, which provides players with additional security options.”

This statement was released but affected Fortnite players that suffered big losses and had fraudulent charges made on their credit or debit cards and had to take additional security steps.

To protect themselves and to minimize the risk of future possible data breaches, they first made class action against Epic Studio and had to change their account passwords and cancel credit or debit cards associated with their Epic Games/Fortnite accounts.

What was worst, all these players had no guarantee that security measures taken by Epic Games will be able to protect them, especially because Epic Games was very quiet about the whole situation.

Most of the players requested answers and had an ongoing interest in ensuring that their private information is protected from past breaches and future cybersecurity threats. There was a class-action lawsuit settlement for any player that used the in-game currency with their credit card in their Fortnite account between 2015 and 2021.

The legal battle between Google and Epic Studio

Another situation worth mentioning was the legal battle that happened between Google and Epic studio in August 2020 after Epic studio decide to move to circumvent platform fees that made them receive a direct payment option in Fortnite, which lead to cutting their in-app purchases and game’s removal from App Store and Google Play.

Google came out with a statement regarding this situation.

“Epic breached these provisions of the DDA on August 13, 2020, by activating its external payment system through a hotfix in Fortnite designed to bypass Google Play Billing,” its suit reads.

“As a direct result of Epic’s breach of contract, Google has suffered an injury, including the loss of the DDA’s ‘service fee’ on a global basis, and the Google Play ecosystem has suffered an injury because the hotfix potentially exposed a security vulnerability that could be exploited for even more nefarious purposes.”

The Fortnite Data Didn’t Survive the Storm in 2018

This is certainly a famous data breach and it is known mostly because it affected a big number of people who play Fortnite. Epic Games today are still keeping Fortnite as one of the most popular games even in 2022.

Hacking days seem to be long gone but you can never relax and go with the flow. Those attacks are a constant threat and all these companies have to keep their security level on a high.

Fortnite is not the only game that had Data Breach and was attacked by hackers, there are a million examples of similar situations and cases. We present them to you so you can be informed and take care of your accounts no matter if they are gaming accounts, social media accounts, or something else, they all keep the personal information that needs to be secured.

Looking for more info on famous breaches? Check out our article on the Heartland Payment Systems Scandal here.