Jailbase Mugshot Removal

Need help with Jailbase Mugshot Removal? Contact us today to get started


Are you wondering how you can remove your mugshots and arrest records from Jailbase.com? If so you have come to the right spot, let us walk you through all the steps you need to take in order to have your public records removed from Jailbase.com in a few short days. Guaranteed removal solution of your mugshots and public records and other related information on this website.


Removals from Jailbase generally take 3-4 business days. Afterward, it may take Google a week to update their search results accordingly.


Who is Jail base? Simply put, this is a privately owned website where the webmaster publishes daily mugshots and arrest booking information for the public to see. This site typically ranks amongst the top 10 search results on Google when you search for an individual that has been arrested in the past. This website is not a law enforcement agency, it is privately owned and operated from an average John Doe out of his basement most likely.



In order to completely remove yourself from Jailbase.com, there are a few things you should know beforehand to save you money and most importantly, your time. Because nobody wants to struggle with a past arrest haunting them on the internet. Not only is it unbecoming but having a mugshot on Google, Bing, or Yahoo may cost many individuals their jobs, homes or even worse, their relationships (marriage, dating, friends, etc.). Delete the ability for others to easily view county mugshots.


Now let’s dive into how you can successfully remove your mugshot from Jailbase.com. Do you think it’s fair that these such as these do not verify the information before publishing it? 50% of the time the personal details (height, weight, etc) are incorrect.


Steps to Remove Your Mugshot on Jailbase for Free (Jailbase Mugshots)

If you have ever visited Jail base before you know what type of information is published on a daily basis. Everything from your mugshot photo, the time and location of where your arrest occurred, and the charges are also included on your “arrest profile”.


They claim to provide an up-to-date database of recent mugshots, public records, booking information, and county mugshot publications. In a matter of 24-hours after an arrest occurs an individuals’ mugshot in published on the internet. Make sure you know your options.



Step 1: Visit Jailbase.com

There are several ways on how you can successfully locate your mugshots.

  • Go to jailbase.com by typing or copy/pasting the link into your search bar.
    • Once you enter the website, search for yourself under “Search for people you know” this is simply a way to browse recent arrests and search for arrested persons.
  • Visit Google and copy/paste the following (replace with your full name) into the search query box.
    • site:jailbase.com John Doe


Please see the screenshots below for assistance, there are options on the menu directly on their website as well:

Option 1: Visiting Directly

jailbase search snippet


Option 2: Searching Through Google

screenshot of jailbase on google



Step 2: Search for Desired Arrest Record

After typing in the required fields requested in order to uncover your mugshot on Jail base you are prompted with every individual who meets those criteria (see below):


In order to save yourself more time while locating your county jail arrests, you may enter a specific state and county. Locating a mugshot for an individual with a common name (i.e. John Smith) can be nearly impossible unless you refine your search. Information about county jail records can be easier to find than you may expect.


Once you have browsed recent arrests and located yourself or the individual you are seeking to remove and click on the right arrow on the right-hand side of the box.


jailbase select record



Step 3: Click to Enter Arrest Profile

After you have located the correct record and clicked into it you will then see a detailed report of the arrest itself. Depending on the state that you live in the rule and guidelines of what information is published may vary.


For example, in many counties in the state of Georgia, it is illegal to post the mug shot itself. So instead they will leave a default image (typically a silhouette as you see on Facebook where users do not have a profile picture) and the arrest information is below for everyone to see. Most states take the stance of only releasing mugshots after the individual is convicted or is guilty.



Take a minute and look over the information that was published about you. Take note that many posts include the individual’s mailing address or home address. If it was not startling already, the public now is able to see where you live!


Once you have reviewed your list (if interested) scroll down to the bottom of the page to continue with Step 3: Locate Opt-out Form. This is the beginning to the end, the next step is where you will tell them what information on this website you would like removed.


Step 3: Locate Opt-out Form

Once you scroll to the bottom of your “arrest profile” you will see two options. Most will miss the opt-out button because Jailbase has made the title very small and grey in order to not draw attention to it. Please see the screenshot below if you need help locating the “opt-out button”.



jailbase opt out button


Next, click on “Opt-Out”.


Step 3: Submit the Opt-out Form

Right away you are redirected to another screen entitled “opt-out”. This is your official request to remove your public records from their database.



Here you will fill out the required information such as your e-mail address and mobile phone number. Jail base asks for your mobile number to send you updates.


Once completed click the “Request Opt-Out” button below where you entered your mobile phone number.


Jailbase.com will send you a code to both your email and phone before proceeding for any mugshot removal. Head over to your email as well as copying the code sent to you via text message and input them within each requested field.


You are now one step closer to ensuring nobody can view county mugshots online in reference to your name. The only way to access your information now will be through a local law enforcement agency.


jailbase opt out verify


Voila! You Are All Done.

If you are seeing your mugshot and related arrest information on additional sites. Please contact us directly for more assistance by clicking here. We will request some contact information and reach out to you either by phone or email. Many individuals utilize Jailbase for all the wrong reasons. Where the purpose may be illegal (i.e. hiring process, leasing, credit checks, etc).

Lastly, if this is an urgent matter please call 786-363-8509 for direct help. Hopefully, this article helped shine some light on how you can remove your mugshots and public records from Jail base. Everyone deserves a second chance, stop letting your past haunt you. Be proactive with EraseMugshots.com. You are advised to contact our support team today if you are trying to learn more.

Erase Mugshots Removal Process: What You Need to Know

Erase Mugshots is the leader in fast, effective online mugshot removal. Learn more about the Erase Mugshots Removal Process today. 

Are you looking to have your mugshot removed from Google, Bing, and/or Yahoo? You have come to the right place, over the past decade Erase Mugshots has successfully helped over 100,000 individuals remove their unwanted mugshots from Google images as well as any unwarranted or negative links on the first several pages of Google.


Mugshot removals are real and very possible, however, you should be wise about which company you decide to select or who performs your removal request.


Here at EraseMugshots.com, our reputation team works alongside local law firms and attorneys to remove, deindex and/or suppress arrest records from the internet. The best part is every solution we offer is 100% guaranteed, meaning if the Erase Mugshots Removal Process fails to remove your images or arrest records you are entitled to 100% of your money back.


If you are not familiar with how we operate or this is the first time you have heard about Erase Mugshots please take the time to watch a brief explainer video showcasing how our solutions work and what options are available to you.




Are Websites Allowed to Publish Mugshots Without Asking?

In short yes, mugshots and arrest records are considered public records. This means that anyone has the right to request an individual’s past criminal history from the local courthouse or clerk’s office.


The best example would be dealing with celebrities. Websites such as TMZ operate off negative publicity, we see individuals such as Tiger Woods, Lindsay Lohan, and even Matthew McConaughey who have all suffered the hardships of seeing their unpleasant mugshot at the top of a Google search. But why is it suddenly a problem when it happens to you?


There are over thousands of arrests that occur every day throughout the entire United States. If you have ever been arrested the odds are that your mugshot is online whether you know it or not.


Mugshot websites are protected behind the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), this essentially means that if such information is deemed public information they may distribute it and publish it online however they please. The only exception to this would be if your charges were sealed or expunged. Even so, most expungements take months or a year to be finalized and during that time your arrest information may be published.


You do not own the rights to your mugshot(s). The moment you are arrested your rights are waved, so even if that photo is of you, you cannot dictate where, when, or if it is published online.


Most county offices publicly post arrests in a local newspaper and on their website directly, other counties may require you to visit the clerk’s office in person and request files. Again, since mugshots and arrest records are public information there is no legal stance on stopping mugshot websites from publishing this negative information about you online.


hands behind back in handcuffs


What Is the Cost of a Mugshot Removal?

The cost of removing your mugshot ranges from $500 – $3,000 depending on several factors:

  1. The severity of the charge/arrest
  2. Prior convictions & arrests
  3. The location of the arrest (metropolitan areas are published on more website than rural areas)
  4. Which website you are seeking removal from
  5. How many websites in total have published your mugshot


The Erase Mugshots Removal Process offers various removal options to prospective clients. 

  • The first option would be a simple removal from a single website (i.e. Mugshots.com).
    • Mugshots.com charges per removal starting at $450 each mugshot.
    • The average cost per website is roughly $300-500 (without expungement documents)
    • This only guarantees the removal of that single website for that particular arrest.


  • Complete removal solution
    • One of Erase Mugshots removal specialists will scour the internet to uncover your past criminal history and mugshot on Google, Bing, & Yahoo.
    • Average cost $500 – 3,000 (maybe more if you have an extensive criminal history)
    • 100% guarantee for that arrest. Since we run an analysis prior to initiating any removals we will remove any reappearing mugshots in the foreseeable future.
    • This does not cover new arrests that occur on a date other than the requested removal.
    • Nor does this include any website that have misspelled your name if this is an honest mistake if it is missed (We will work to remove at a discounted cost)


Is Mugshot Removal Fast for Everyone?

Yes and no.


The major factoring that these websites take into consideration is the severity of the charge and the individual’s criminal past. For example, let’s say you are a college student who was busted for underage drinking, or maybe you have a DUI on your record. Mugshots are typically removed within 24-48 hours.


Anything that is victimless or did not cause harm to another individual is typically granted a removal quickly. This is the same for drug offenses unless you have over five charges within a few years for the same thing  your removal request will be approved by these websites



Charges mugshots website do NOT remove:

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Mayhem
  • Kidnapping (anything dealing with endangering a child)
  • Sexual Charges
  • Severe Domestic Arrests (i.e caused bodily harm, etc)
  • Individuals who were arrested for the same charge 3 or more times.
  • much more, contact us to see if you are able to remove your mugshots from Google, Bing, and Yahoo.



man in court


Is It Illegal to Charge Money for a Mugshot Removal?

Due to new laws and state statutes, it can be illegal for the same website to charge for removal after they posted your arrest information.


Website owners are not allowed to post your mugshot unwillingly and then reach out to you demanding payment. Before Erase Mugshots was established they were no way to have a third-party website remove criminal records from the internet.


The owner and operator of EraseMugshots.com was unfortunately arrested for a minor charge (the case was immediately dropped and charges were expunged) however his mugshot was plastered across Google. Any individual who has ever been arrested knows that if you do not have lots of information about yourself online a mugshot publication can ruin your career overnight.


Each state has its own policies in place for dealing with websites that charge money for the removal of mugshots.


How Long Do Mugshot Removals Take?

On average the typically mugshot removal process can take anywhere between 24 hours to 7-days are a complete removal.


Upon contacting the website owner and having a mugshot removed our team then notifies Google, Bing, and Yahoo to recrawl this website. The process of de-indexing a deleted post takes 1-7 days for completion.


If you are unfamiliar with de-indexing it is the process of alerting Google that a particular piece of content within their search results has either been altered or removed from the internet. After the de-indexing process is finalizing you will no longer see any information reference this arrest on that particular website in the future.


How to remove public records from the internet?

Each removal solution is backed by Erase Mugshots’s 100% guarantee.

Should the Erase Mugshots Removal Process fail to remove your information (very rare as we do not take on cases we know we cannot complete) the client is issued a refund for the full amount in which they initially paid.

If your mugshot should ever reappear on the website(s) EraseMugshots.com removed you from there are never any additional fees or costs involved. Our monitoring software is alerted of any republications. Most of the time we remove the information (if reappearing) before you (the client) noticed.

How to Interview: Interview Tips When Preparing

Learn how to interview like a pro. Making a good first impression is important when it comes to job interviews or any application, which is why it is essential to come prepared. This means doing homework on the company that you wish to be apart of reviewing products, the company itself, executives, and any other area of the business you find to be “need-to-know”. Along with developing a thorough understanding of your target company, here is a list of tips that can provide insight on how to prepare for an interview.


interview tips

Know Your Audience

Knowing your audience is a huge part of job interviews. Reading your interviewer is a great way for you to develop an understanding of the atmosphere of the workplace and speak in the manner in which they prefer. Yes, it is important to always speak in a professional tone, but some companies may favor a much more laid back individual with a large skill set instead of a limited individual who is extremely professional. It mainly depends on the company. Here are a few tips for knowing your audience:

  • Develop an understanding of who the company is can better prepare you for who you wish to present during an interview. Read the company’s blogs, Facebook, Twitter, or any other social platform where you can read the company’s tone.
  • Compile a list of the individuals that you are meeting with from the company and learn more about them. This is how you can learn about potential behavior that they find favorable or unfavorable and allow you to present your best self.
  • Ask the recruiter or HR contact about what type of interview method they are going to use. This is completely acceptable to do and prepares you for the potential questions or brain teasers that your interviewer is going to ask.

Along with preparing for particular questions, there is a list of questions that are commonly used by interviewers.


Preparing for Common Questions

Many interviewers ask a list of common questions that can easily be found online. Make sure to emphasize your strengths. Here are a few tips whenever these questions come up:

  • One of the most classic questions often asked is, “What is your biggest weakness?” When answering this question, answer with something that you are struggling with but working to improve. This shows the interviewer that you are well aware of your flaws, but are taking the initiative to improve them and yourself. Conduct a SWOT Analysis on yourself first.
  • Always have a “tell me about yourself” answer ready at a moment’s notice. This is often one of the first questions asked by interviewers and can set the tone for the rest of the interview. When answering this, try to include some of your best qualities without sounding egotistical or narcissistic (this is a big turn off to employers).
  • Find a list of common interview questions, but practice your answers without writing them down. When trying to memorize lengthy responses, we often forget them when we are answering in person. Instead, write down bullet points and notes about what you want to say and practice until the information flows.

Even though the interview is mainly about asking you questions, it also is beneficial to compile a list of your own questions as well. This shows that you were paying attention and did your homework on the company.


Dress Appropriately

Showing up underdressed is one of the worst things to do before being interviewed. Being properly dressed shows the interviewer that you care about the position and have respect for the workplace. Here are a few tips for dressing appropriately:

  • First impressions are very important to interviewers, which is why picking out the perfect outfit is vital. You can do this by contacting someone within the firm. See what they wore or hang out around the building and see what employees are wearing.
  • Dry clean your clothes! Going into an interview with a dirty suit presents disorganization and carelessness. You want to make sure and have your outfit in tip-top shape when interviewing.
  • Clean up: get a haircut, trim your nails, shine shoes, etc. Cleaning yourself up for an interview can help you feel confident and confidence is important in interviews!

All of these job seeking tips can successfully help you with becoming employed. But before they give you a callback they more than likely are going to search for you online.


people waiting in chairs


Saving Yourself From Embarrassment Online

Employers very commonly go online to find out more about their potential employees. This is why it is a must to make sure that your online presence is positive. If you feel you’re not represented fairly online, then developing an online reputation management strategy may be a solution. What is your reputation score? If your situation is rather complicated, then contacting an online reputation management firm may be a viable option