Free Mugshot Lookup: How To Find Mugshots Online

Interested in free mugshot lookup? In this article, you’ll learn how to find past mugshots for free.

Free mugshot publication websites are everywhere. A simple Google Search can show you your mugshots or the mugshots of any person you’re researching online.

Despite it being 2024, there are still very few laws in place to protect those who were arrested.

Typically, we view these people as “criminals” or generally bad individuals. When it comes to the use of public information, many sites are protected under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Furthermore, the FOIA grants permission for anyone in the general public to republish your public records on any free mugshots official site.

This may seem crazy. It means that anybody can go to the county offices, collect a copy of your criminal record, and then publish it online.

They can even post this information on Facebook or Instagram because, technically, this is factual information and not defamation or libel.

Luckily, not every state allows arrest records to be easily accessed. That’s why you may have noticed that states like Pennsylvania or Oregon rarely publish your mugshot and arrest information online. In those cases, you don’t need to worry as much about someone finding your records on a free mugshots official site.

Otherwise, though, there are many ways you can quickly search for mugshots online. Do you have an arrest record? Have you Googled yourself lately? Your sensitive information could be in danger of being publicly available if it isn’t already.

Public Records and Google Search

A man is using a laptop with documents on it, researching how to find mugshots online.

Today, we live in an age where technology is rapidly advancing. Say goodbye to the times when mail was the primary source of communication. Looking up a person’s mugshot is easier than it’s ever been.

Many law enforcement agencies, like sheriff websites, will openly display arrestee information, too. That means you don’t even need to have made contact with them to show up online.

This is how many third-party sites like, and other free mugshots official sites collect the information currently displayed. With the use of modern-day software and scraping tools, hundreds of mugshots are published in no time at all. 

If you have ever been arrested and you need answers to queries like “how to find my mugshot online,” relax. There’s a simple way to find your sensitive information online.

How To Search for Your Mugshots Online

To find your mugshots online, first bring up a Google Search page and look for mugshots or arrests in your county (or wherever the incident occurred).

Yes, it can be that easy to look up mugshots online!

Keep this in mind, though: Criminal justice entities typically refresh their databases every 2 weeks. If your arrest was recent, you might have to wait several days before your arrest information becomes visible.

Knowing how to locate mugshots online is fairly simple if you are tech-savvy, but more often than not, we see our clients struggle to locate their public record mugshots.

There are a few mugshots websites that show a majority of arrests in specific areas. For example, in Florida, any time an individual is arrested, they are likely to appear on about 10 different websites, in addition to the county office’s database. Often, all you need to look up mugshots online is the person’s first and last name.

– 100% Risk-Free and Money-Back Guarantee –

In addition to mugshots, you can also use the Google search engine to find arrest records. In general, Google is a gold mine of sensitive information, including contact information, addresses and mugshots. To locate an arrest, simply type in that person’s name, followed by the word “arrest.”

Most of the time, depending on how unique the name is, you should see instant results under the “images” tab. If you do not, try adding a middle name or the location where the arrest occurred.

For example, if your name is John Smith, it may be hard to locate a mugshot easily, and adding more details may help. You could search for something like “John Daniel Smith arrest Mecklenburg North Carolina” instead. If this does not prompt any results, you may be in the clear.

To double-check, give EraseMugshots a call for a FREE ANALYSIS, where we will uncover EVERY website online where your information appears.

In addition, we guarantee our work 100%. If we fail or something reappears online, you’ll receive a full refund.

What Arrest Information Can I View Online?

Looking for how to find mugshots online for a police report? Check out the handcuffs and fingerprints in the document.

When it comes to the internet, there are countless websites and databases at your disposal when attempting to locate public records from the county jail. Information pertaining to arrests or offender search results can be found on 400+ mugshot publication websites.

Here is a list of the most popular websites to search for mugshots and find information related to a specific arrest. These websites make it extremely easy to view mugshots of any individual arrested. Search for mugshots on the sites below to see more.


Found Your Mugshots Online? Here’s What To Do Next

At this point, you may have found a few different websites that have published your private information, such as arrest records. Most individuals who visit a county jail will find themselves on one of these mugshot websites. Your next question is probably, “How do I contact them to find my mugshot online for removal?’

While it is possible to remove your mugshots online, there is rarely a phone number or address on these mugshots sites. That can make this process extremely difficult.

Over the past several years, we’ve been in and out of the courtroom with site owners in an effort to provide the cheapest and most efficient services for our clients. If your case has been expunged or dismissed, or you’re presumed innocent, and you are still seeing criminal records online, this may be immediate grounds for removal.

Please note that most mugshot websites will not comply with removal requests for sex offenders who have been proven guilty and have violent charges against them.

Contact Professional Mugshot Removal Experts Today

Make this entire process easier on yourself by calling in the professionals. Low-cost, long-term payment options can be provided to those who need them.

With 24/7 support, EraseMugshots is the best option for mugshot removal and arrest record removal online. Fill out the form below to get your free quote today. Removal And How To Get Mugshots Removed

Interested in a removal? Want to learn how to get mugshot removed from the internet? When removing online mugshots and arrest details, there are many things you should know before you attempt to do it yourself.

But here’s what you need to know: getting this done and dusted is 100% worth it! Whether you are struggling to find a job, a new home, or even a date, you must maintain a positive presence on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. To some, this would entail getting rid of online mugshots that can only harm your reputation.

Removal efforts for most sites, including, start with contacting the respective website webmaster and seeking a removal option. There have been numerous statutes and acts created to control and prevent the publication of mugshots and arrest records. Unfortunately, most of them had limited success.

After a decade of work, has answered the question of how to get mugshots off the Internet time and time again. We now count on over 250.000+ successful removals, so we are the experts you can listen to.

Let us show you how a removal is done and walk you through the best methods on how to remove a mugshot online from websites such as mugshots. com. Leave us a comment below if you have any questions or call us directly at 866-601-6803 and learn how to get mugshots removed from the internet today.

How To Get Mugshots Removed From Google Search Results

Everyone turns to Google to find the answers to their problems. Whether looking for a removal, searching for an old friend, colleague, or new fling, people ask Google everything. After all, it’s the most popular search engine on the planet. Personal information is easily found on Google. Go ahead and type your name into the Google search bar; you will be amazed at what Google search engine results say about you.

When it comes to Google, know that the search engine does not pick and choose what websites it places on the first page just by chance. It uses a complex search algorithm that monitors users’ search habits to deliver accurate results for what the end-user is looking for.

So when someone finds and clicks a mugshot, this counts as votes of interest in the eyes of Google, which, in turn, fuels high rankings — even if this is detrimental to you. In other words, Google will not remove an article or photo from its first page simply because it’s not good for you.

While it is possible for someone to try manipulating search engine results by trying to push any negative image off the first page of search results, this strategy has a limited track record of success. The better course of action is to try mugshot removal, either by yourself or with a mugshot removal service.

Moreover, legally speaking, your arrest information and mugshot are public information. This means anyone can publish this information freely, even on Facebook! If you are truly looking to remove your arrest files, you must first delete them from the initial source, such as mugshot removal websites. In this case, it would be the mugshot websites like that are hosting embarrassing photos that can harm your reputation.

For starters, you can use the Google Chrome extension or a well-known WHOIS tool such as ICANN to look up the contact information of a particular domain owner.

Reach out and request your mugshots to be removed after obtaining their contact information. In addition, you can take these other steps to help your efforts on how to get mugshots removed from their database.

Criminal Records, Arrest Records, and Public Records: Why is My Mugshot Online?

Most government agencies on the local, state, and federal levels have some type of obligation to make public records available to anyone with an interest. Typically, these records are posted to a publicly-available database, giving anyone with internet access the ability to look up records.

Your public record may include a wide range of personal data, including:

  • Mugshots and your booking photo
  • Marriage licenses
  • Arrest records and police reports
  • Criminal record information, which includes minor offenses
  • Property and real estate holdings information

Once government agencies post this information, data brokers use automated tools to scrape public databases and republish the information on their own sites. One particular website can host millions of records — and with this information readily available, the threat of identity theft represents a serious risk.

When you want to erase mugshots or remove criminal record information from public record databases and people-search sites, you face a fairly steep set of challenges. You can do it yourself by contacting and other mugshot websites, or you may wish to seek legal advice from a content removal expert.

Mugshot Removal Laws

If you’ve ever been arrested for any reason, including minor drug offenses or any other criminal offenses, chances are that your mugshots can be found on the web.

Because your mug shot is part of the public record, it is available to anyone with an internet connection and a few minutes of time to use one of the popular search engines like Google.

Every state has its own mugshot removal laws. For example, the Georgia Department of Corrections may honor mugshot removal requests if you provide a court order stating that charges were dropped or can demonstrate legal reasons why your information must be removed.

Check with your state’s regulatory officials to learn about your options when you wish to remove your mugshot from search results. Expungement law where your records are cleared from public access may be a solution to help you restore your reputation. Removal Request Guide

As you may or may not know, the owners of went through some legal struggles in May of 2018 and were arrested. If you wonder how to remove a mugshot from this site, the only option is to send certified legal paperwork to their address, together with a copy of your dismissal or expungement documents. 

In the past, would charge everyone removal fees starting at $300. The owners would then increase that removal fee for more severe charges. These included sexual offenses, domestic charges, and mugshots from habitual offenders.

Here are some steps you can take to start a removal —granted you can provide dismissal/expungement paperwork:

  • Utilize the contact form on You can find this on the contact tab in the top right.
  • Enter your name
  • Attorney bar number (if applicable)
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • A brief message voicing your issue
  • Click submit when finished
  • Send an email to [email protected] — double-check you have the correct address using the Chrome extension
  • Remember to be polite. They are under no legal obligation to remove your arrest information
  • Contact us for assistance has been assisting individuals on their removals for decades. Our attorneys and online experts know exactly who to contact and what to send. We remove your information within 7-business days. 100% Guaranteed.

How To Remove Mugshots From The Internet For Free?

By now, you know removals are not all there is to giving your reputation a clean slate. If you are on a tight budget and looking at how to get mugshots removed for free, be aware that this method shows minimal effectiveness. However, you can still try, and you might succeed.

As we mentioned above, if you can provide legal documents signed off by a Judge showing your case was fully sealed or expunged, the owners of some websites may remove your arrest records and mugshot for free. Again, this is rare, but we have seen this happen on several occasions.

Utilize the tools we recommended to locate their contact information and send them a short email with your legal papers attached. Continue to resend your email every day until they reply. These mugshot websites like receive innumerable requests per day. Spamming them will improve the chances they see your message.

Once you make contact, you may need to submit a written request by certified mail with return receipt requested in order to continue the mugshot removal process. In other cases, a demand letter stating your desire to have your mugshot removed can be provided by your mugshot removal lawyer.

How To Get a Mugshot Off The Internet? Some Additional Tips And Tricks

Post Positive And Fresh Content Of Yourself On Social Media

Create and post photos on social media platforms such as Pinterest, BizSugar — if you are a small business owner — YouTube, LinkedIn, Tumbler, etc.

Start Your Own Website

Create a website where you blog regularly. You can use platforms such as WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix.

Become an Expert Yourself

Read the privacy policies on each mugshot publication website and get a grip on how they operate. This will help your removal efforts.

Even though posting doesn’t entail the removal of your mugshot per se, over time, your positive content will overtake the negative. Considering that most web surfers don’t go past Google’s first page, that’s quite a good deal!

Remove Your Online Mugshots With EraseMugshots

Furthermore, here at, we specialize in removing arrest records, background checks, and mugshots online. Hence, we are the fastest option in the industry. Partnered with various law firms across the nation, we provide a 100% guarantee to every client.

It all starts with our FREE REMOVAL ANALYSIS. This is where our knowledgeable removal specialists will scour the Internet to uncover any trace of your mugshot on Google, Bing, and Yahoo and sites like other companies that simply search the first page, we look through over 300+ mugshot databases. Why?

Because if we see five mugshots on the first several pages, but there is also one hiding on page 15 of Google, it will most likely jump up in the rankings. We work to remove everything in one shot. 

A common misconception is that when you pay to remove a mugshot, another one pops up. Yes, this is the case if you do not conduct a comprehensive search initially. EraseMugshots will locate ALL mugshots online for a particular arrest. Should anything else appear, there are no additional fees to the client, as long as it is the same incident. We will handle it for free.

Lastly, all removal solution timeframes typically range from 2 days to 2 weeks. This depends on the number of websites and the number of arrests we are removing.

Reach out for a free consultation to learn more about our proven mugshot image removal services, helping to preserve your privacy and to restore your damaged online reputation.

Related Mugshot Removal Questions

What Are The Biggest Mugshot Websites Online?

  7. also includes arrest record information
  9. and many more

How Long Does It Take To Locate All My Mugshots Online?

Lastly, after calling EraseMugshots and speaking to a specialist, it takes us approximately one hour to conduct a search, compile a proposal, and email our findings to you.

Do Mugshots Ever Go Away?

Mugshots and criminal records on popular sites like are considered public information in the United States. Even if the case has been expunged from the arrestee’s record, their mugshots can remain online forever.

All You Ever Wanted To Know About Mugshot Sites

Is it illegal to publish mugshots online? No. There is a long list of mugshot sites protected under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act of 1966) and the First Amendment.


Booking photos and arrest records are considered public information. The individuals that own these mugshot websites choose to publish them on Google for convenience. 


Your online reputation lasts forever — whether the results are positive or negative. Embarrassing comments and photos will resurface and may hinder future opportunities with your career, housing situation, and even your family. Criminal charges such as your arrest information and public mugshots are accessed and exploited online. 


Mugshot removal sites have engineered a business around displaying arrest records and strict payment to delete the photos. is currently the leading mugshot removal agency on the internet.


Furthermore, victims currently have several choices to remove mugshots from Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Removing your mugshots online is very possible as long as you know the laws that govern publishing mugshots on the internet. 


Let’s dive in and find out what you can do to remove your arrest details from these mugshot sites.


Mugshot Sites: An Overview

Mugshot sites scrape arrest photographs from county police websites and post them online. In addition, these sites typically rank favorably and will, more often than not, be found on the first page of Google when users type in your name. 


As a result, these mugshot publications may cost you jobs, dates, or perhaps the ability to apply for credit.


Apart from paying to remove your information, you can publish new and fresh information on highly authoritative websites in an effort to suppress your negative content on Google. In the past, mugshot platforms have found themselves amidst various lawsuits.


Sadly, the law does not see anything wrong with them, which is the most concerning part. As long as the mugshot website does not harass you and demand payment, they are free to publish arrest records in various states across the nation. 


However, thanks to new laws and policies from Google, many mugshot sites have gone out of business or fallen off the first page after a recent algorithm update that severely penalized these types of websites.


The Most Infamous List Of Mugshot Sites

All mugshot sites claim that the individuals they post are innocent till proven guilty. This helps when they are sued because that will always be a fact. By not updating the disposition of the arrest, they are within the confines of the law.


They also state that the data on their sites shouldn’t be used during the hiring process, housing decisions, insurance claims, or for alternative business-related functions. 


Regardless, once people see your mugshot posted online, it will deter them from working with you as they automatically assume you are a “bad person” with a negative reputation.


Mugshot sites do not tell the whole story, and EraseMugshots wants to change that.



What makes Rapsheetz so bad? It is simple, this site does not remove anyone’s arrest information without expungement documentation. This means you must hire an attorney to seal your charges on the county level before they delete your information.


Go figure. This is a mugshot website owned by two gentlemen out of their basement, and they are “requiring” legal documentation. For what!?


This has negatively impacted thousands of individuals as many charges are dropped but not expunged.


The worst part about RapSheets is that they typically rank well on sites like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. By not including any mugshot or arrest keywords in their domain name, they get to bypass algorithm changes.


Looking for more assistance on removal information? We will provide you with a team of removal experts that can answer any questions or concerns you may have.



BailBondCity is a site owned by the SAME people as RapSheets, so it is only fitting that they are number two on our list. 


Expungement documentation is required to remove or update any arrest details on this mugshot website.

Busted back in May of 2018, the owners of were arrested after extorting thousands of individuals. They are, likely, the most infamous mugshot website we have seen to this date, charging anywhere from $300-500 for a single mugshot to be removed.


Most times, they will call or email you directly demanding payment to have your information removed. If you refuse the pay, you will likely receive a nasty, degrading response from the owner himself.


If your information is located on, contact us today. We will design a removal solution perfectly catered to your needs and budget.



Based in Boca Raton, Florida, BocaBusted is fairly compliant when requesting a mugshot removal. 


The only downfall, and the reason we included them on our mugshot sites list, is that BocaBusted only accepts payments via BitCoin. The general public is unfamiliar with BitCoin or Cryptocurrency which can make it nearly impossible to remove information. 


In addition, BocaBusted will not remove violent charges (domestic violence, assault with bodily harm, etc.)



As many may assume, LookWhoGotBusted claims to have no affiliation with either BustedNewspaper or BustedMugshots. This mugshot website is another publisher of arrest records on the internet that claims to be the “most up-to-date in the industry.”


Just as RapSheets and BailBondCity, LookWhoGotBusted also has requirements you must fulfill to successfully remove your mugshot from their website. They are as followed:


“If charges were dropped or if the record was expunged or there is an error for which you have documented proof, email us by clicking on this email address: [email protected]. Note: Clicking there ensures we know which exact post you’re referring to. DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT OF THE EMAIL.


Please forward supporting court documents by attaching copies to your email, and upon confirmation, we will gladly remove the post at no charge.


Posts for those deceased also will be similarly removed. We do not offer paid removals, either directly or through any third parties such as so-called “reputation” companies, which may claim to be able to remove posts. Check with us before spending your money.”


Mugshot Laws 

During recent years, lawmakers have been working to shut down these websites that have been protected by the First Amendment. Georgia state representative Roger Bruce introduced a new law that currently makes it a criminal offense for websites to charge Georgia citizens to have their mugshot removed. 


So what did these sites do? Stopped removing but kept publishing. This solution ended up hurting the public more than before. At least in the past, individuals had the chance to pay to remove, now they must suffer indefinitely.


Mugshot sites currently have thirty days to get rid of a photograph or maybe a violation of the law. Having to pay fines for not complying with freely removing those records that were expungement, dismissed, or sealed.


Here is a list of the 18 states that currently ban arrest websites from charging mugshot removal fees:


 states that ban arrest websites

The one major pitfall with this law is that mugshots are still public. This means that if an individual cannot pay the website to remove the information, it will remain online forever.


Do Mugshot Sites Show On Google?

Google has recently started to make many algorithm updates to suppress or possibly noindex mugshot sites. In fact, Google launched an algorithm in Oct 2013 that specifically targeted these websites. As a result, arrest photos were pushed down or removed from search results.


Whereas mugshots still exist online, they’ll not rank within the prime results for a person’s name. Especially in states such as Florida, Georgia, Arizona, and South Carolina. 


Although many websites have found their way around this update, it has significantly reduced the number of arrest details shown on page one for nearly all those arrested.



Are Mugshots Online Forever?

With lower visibility in Google search results (or SERPs) and restricted ways of payment, mugshot sites seem to be losing steam. While online mugshots are now not as much of a money-making scheme as before, these websites are still able to profit in different ways (i.e., advertising, etc.)


Specifically, these shady websites currently create cash through Bing, Yahoo, and Google ads for bail bonds companies across the nation. As long as websites host mugshots online, your arrest photo could show up. 


Though mugshots now do not rank high enough to dominate your search results, they continue to create controversy. Websites like,, and state that reserved inmates can’t pay to have their pictures removed.


Many mugshot sites that do not offer removal options only keep a particular arrest on their website for a maximum of 90-days before it is automatically removed. 


That’s excellent news for folks with previous arrests. However, deleted photos might not be totally erased from the web. Potential employers and creditors may still find your arrest record if they check cached web content.


Removing Mugshots From Google

If you want to remove your arrest details from a mugshot site but cannot figure out how, don’t lose hope. You have options! In addition, there may be many laws working in your favor to assist throughout the process.


Check out several ways you can work to remove arrest records online for free:


remove mugshots from google



Review Mugshot Sites’ Privacy Policies

Some websites have a “courtesy removal service” or page, specifically for their privacy policy. If you can prove your innocence and have the legal documents to back up your argument, your mugshot will be removed 90% of the time. 


Communication with the websites may be a good beginning. However, keep in mind that they won’t be too keen to facilitate your removal request without proper documentation. When contacting them either via email or by phone, be polite and not aggressive as they may blacklist your information from ever being removed.


Know The Mugshot Laws

Your state might have a law that requires mugshot sites to delete your arrest information upon request. Typically, they need to be taken down within thirty days of being contacted with the request, or they’re going to be in violation of the law. 


Georgia, as well as a few other selected states, presently have these laws. We expect many other, if not all, states to follow in their footsteps soon enough.


Raise Awareness Of Infamous Mugshot Sites

If your state doesn’t have any mugshot removal laws, evoke one. Contact your state law enforcement agencies and encourage them to create a law that will make it easier for you to manage your online name.


Hire An Online Reputation Management Agency

Hire a reputable online reputation management agency to work on your side to combat these unwarranted publications and rebuild your image. 


Here at EraseMugshots, we offer a FREE REMOVAL ANALYSIS for anyone that fills out a form. In addition, all removal solutions come with a lifetime guarantee or your money back. 


Our removal specialists will scour the internet to uncover all mugshot websites publishing your booking information, as well as monitor your results for up to 12-months afterward to ensure successful removal.


Take Control Of Your Online Reputation

Ultimately, the outlook is positive for people scuffling with online mugshots stemming from a previous arrest.


If you are featured on a mugshot website, research each option available to you and urge them to remove your picture. Take action, and defend your online name.


Learn more about how removes mugshots on the internet.


Related Questions

How Much Does a Complete Mugshot Removal Cost?

On average, for a complete removal solution (5-10 mugshot sites) the cost ranges from $500 – $3,500. All removal solutions are 100% guaranteed. Shall we fail to remove your mugshot (which we won’t), you will get a full refund.


How Long Does It Take To Remove Mugshots Online?

When performing a complete removal the process generally takes about 5 days for the website to comply with our takedown notice.


Following a successful removal, we will notify Google so they update the search results. The second half of the solution takes anywhere from a few hours to two weeks, depending on how busy the search engine’s team is.


Are mugshot sites damaging your online reputation? Fill out the form below to get a Free Quote on Mugshot Removal today.


How to Get Your Mugshot Off the Internet

Getting arrested doesn’t have to be the end of your life! Learn how to get your mugshot removed online, and find your mugshots and criminal records on Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

There are over 100+ mugshot publication websites in existence. After an arrest, your mugshot will appear on an average of 5-10 websites.

You can get your mugshot online through many websites, from to However, there is almost no privacy on the internet; anyone with $10 and a stable internet connection can access your personal data.

This includes your contact information, your home address, social profiles, criminal records, financial liens, and much more.

man in suit handcuffed

Here at EraseMugshots, our mission is to help each client remove their criminal records online. After finding and removing your mugshot online, the only place anyone will be able to view your record is at the county office(s).

Unless you expunged your case, you never have to worry about this again! *Knock on wood.* Unfortunately, all mugshots are public records, so don’t bother getting your attorney involved.

Before we dive into the article, we will explain how to find your mugshots and how to get your mugshot removed.

If you have already tried this and were unsuccessful, please complete the form below. One of our knowledgeable reputation analysts will contact you within 24 hours, ready to help.

Locating Mugshots Online

When it comes to learning how to get your mugshot online or where to find it, you can take various routes. To save time and increase efficiency, let’s discuss the one way you can find mugshots online that works the best for us. It may be simpler than you’d expect… First, head over to Google and search for your First and Last name coupled with the search term ‘arrest.’ It should look something like this:
“John Smith” arrest   or “John A. Smith Sarasota Florida” arrest

Unless you can find a widespread name, at least one result should be found on the first or second page. If your arrest was recent, please wait 2-3 weeks for your mugshots to appear online to get a good sense of what you’re dealing with. Here are some of the states that have a higher level of distribution (you will most likely be found on more sites than average):

How to Get Mugshots on Arrests.Org

Visit the site

Start by opening a new window and typing in (or copying and pasting) Arrests dot org. You will be prompted by the following page, where you can select a specific state.

showing how to get your mugshots removed from

Select your state

Once you have chosen a state (by clicking on the grey map illustrated above), will prompt you with the most recent arrests and mugshots for the entire state.

However, you can have two options at this point.

First, you can type in the individual’s name in the search query boxes at the top of the page (shown below)

animated laptop showing

Enter your name

After entering the name of the individual you hope to find, will filter results to only individuals with that name.

If your name (or that of the person you’re looking for) is unique, the mugshot should appear in the top results.

However, if your name is “John Smith,” you may have to do more digging. But no worries, we are here to walk you through the process.

animated laptop showing 2

There are many ways to narrow down and filter the results. However, the most efficient process is to simply scroll down and click on the county where the arrest occurred.

From this point forward, there shouldn’t be more than 1-2 pages to review because you get to your mugshot.

Once you find it, click on the image.

This will prompt a “pop-up” window, where you can continue to hit the blue button at the top for “More Information.” This unlocks your full record on

animated laptop showing 4

How to Get your Mugshot on

If there were ever an original mugshot publication website, would be it. Pre-dating 2015, started as one of the first innovators of mugshot websites throughout the internet. In the beginning, mugshot publication websites worked to provide more transparency to selected regions around the world in an effort to bring more awareness regarding those around them.

Wouldn’t you like to know if your next-door neighbor has a domestic violence charge or DUI? You probably don’t even think about it when you let your kids play outside, who is dangerous around them.

Go to

It all starts by revisiting your web address bar and typing in Mugshots dot com. You will be prompted by the webpage (depicted below). On this webpage, you can search for mugshots by name. Do this using the search query box in the top right (shown below).

animated laptop showing 5

To keep it consistent, let’s conduct this search using the name “John Smith.” That way, you can use the more extensive process available to learn how to get your mugshots online. The odds are that you will find your mugshot before these steps are finished.

Narrow your search

On the following page, you are prompted with some broad results after searching for a name. From this point, there is a section titled “Narrow your search:” Here, you can filter the results even more by location. Continue to narrow down the results by selecting the filters that apply to your search. Furthermore, after selecting the county of the arrest, you can begin scrolling through the given results.

How to Get Your Mugshot

You should be able to find your record quickly. Once you do, click on the mugshot photo, and your screen should look exactly like this:

mugshot off the internet

So, as you can see, houses personal information such as your name, address, age, and much more. However, if you find yourself on, the odds are excellent that your mugshot has spread elsewhere.

Additional Questions & Concerns on How to Get Your Mugshot

Lastly, contact us today if you struggle to remove a mugshot online. Even if you want to learn more about how to get your mugshot removed from Google, Bing, and Yahoo, it is much easier than you might expect.

After a decade of business and thousands of satisfied clients, our work and reviews speak for themselves. If you want to learn more about how EraseMugshots can make your mugshots and arrest records a thing of the past, fill out the form below to get started. As a thank you, we will provide you with a FREE comprehensive analysis. This report will show you every website you are located on and all of our removal options.